Mapping phytoplankton blooms in deep subalpine lakes from Sentinel-2A and Landsat-8

M Bresciani, I Cazzaniga, M Austoni, T Sforzi, F Buzzi… - Hydrobiologia, 2018 - Springer
For effective lakes' management, high-frequent water quality data on a synoptic scale are
essential. The aim of this study is to test the suitability of the latest generation of satellite …

[PDF][PDF] Indices of zooplankton community as valuable tools in assessing the trophic state and water quality of eutrophic lakes: long term study of Lake Võrtsjärv

J Haberman, M Haldna - Journal of Limnology, 2014 -
On the basis of long-term (1964-2011) research, we tested the hypothesis that the
zooplankton community has a highly indicative value in assessing the ecosystem and …

Changes in the crustacean communities of Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie following the invasion of the predatory cladoceran Bythotrephes longimanus

RP Barbiero, ML Tuchman - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and …, 2004 -
The crustacean zooplankton communities in Lakes Michigan and Huron and the central and
eastern basins of Lake Erie have shown substantial, persistent changes since the invasion …

Responses to local and global stressors in the large southern perialpine lakes: Present status and challenges for research and management

N Salmaso, F Buzzi, C Capelli, L Cerasino… - Journal of Great Lakes …, 2020 - Elsevier
Here, we review the state-of-the-art of limnological investigations in the large and deep
lakes south of the Alps (DSLs), lakes Garda, Maggiore, Como, Iseo and Lugano. In the pre …

Limnological research in the deep southern subalpine lakes: synthesis, directions and perspectives

N Salmaso, R Mosello - Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Based on a selection of 230 papers published during the last 15 years in international
journals, the present work aims at evaluating the state of the art of limnological research in …

Trends and relations among basic phytoplankton characteristics in the course of the long-term oligotrophication of Lake Maggiore (Italy)

D Ruggiu, G Morabito, P Panzani, A Pugnetti - … of the 10th Workshop of the …, 1998 - Springer
Lake Maggiore underwent a process of eutrophication in the course of the 1960s and 1970s
which caused the lake status to change from oligotrophy to meso-eutrophy, sewage …

Could the extreme meteorological events in Lake Maggiore watershed determine a climate-driven eutrophication process?

G Morabito, M Rogora, M Austoni, M Ciampittiello - Hydrobiologia, 2018 - Springer
Lake Maggiore has reached a stable oligotrophic status after a recovery process from
mesotrophy that began in the early 1980s. However, the most recent phytoplankton and …

Major changes in trophic dynamics in large, deep sub‐alpine Lake Maggiore from 1940s to 2002: a high resolution comparative palaeo‐neolimnological study

M Manca, B Torretta, P Comoli, SL Amsinck… - Freshwater …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
We describe the changes in trophic dynamics in Lake Maggiore from c. 1943 to 2002 using
subfossil cladoceran data from a high resolution sediment record, long‐term contemporary …

Lake Maggiore (N. Italy) trophic history: fossil diatom, plant pigments, and chironomids, and comparison with long-term limnological data

A Marchetto, A Lami, S Musazzi, J Massaferro… - Quaternary …, 2004 - Elsevier
The availability of long-term series of chemical and biological data and the eutrophication/
oligotrophication history of Lake Maggiore allows an attempt to correlate the registered …

Grazing by ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates on picocyanobacteria in Lago Maggiore, Italy

C Callieri, SM Karjalainen… - Journal of Plankton …, 2002 -
During the oligotrophication of Lago Maggiore, picocyanobacteria (Pcy) increased in
abundance and production. In their bimodal, seasonal cycle, the spring peak was due …