The development of pine plantation silviculture in the southern United States

TR Fox, EJ Jokela, HL Allen - Journal of Forestry, 2007 -
In the 1950s there were vast acreages of cutover forestland and degraded agricultural land
across the South. Less than 2 million ac of southern pine plantations existed at that time. By …

The evolution of pine plantation silviculture in the southern United States

TR Fox, EJ Jokela, HL Allen - In: Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS–75 …, 2004 -
In the 1950s, vast acreages of cutover forest land and degraded agricultural land existed in
the South. Less than 2 million acres of southern pine plantations existed at that time. By the …

The role of herbicides for enhancing forest productivity and conserving land for biodiversity in North America

RG Wagner, M Newton, EC Cole, JH Miller… - Wildlife Society …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Herbicide technology has evolved with forest management in North America over the past
60 years and has become an integral part of modern forestry practice. Forest managers …

Can't see the flowers for the trees: factors driving floral abundance within early-successional forests in the central Appalachian Mountains

CL Mathis, DJ McNeil Jr, MR Lee… - Canadian Journal of …, 2022 -
Silviculture can be a powerful tool for restoring and enhancing habitat for forest-dependent
wildlife. In eastern North America, regenerating timber harvests support abundant …

Floristic diversity, stand structure, and composition 11 years after herbicide site preparation

JH Miller, RS Boyd, MB Edwards - Canadian Journal of Forest …, 1999 -
Cette étude a examiné les effets de plusieurs herbicides sur la richesse et la diversité des
espèces végétales, ainsi que sur la structure et la composition du peuplement. Des doses …

Restoring the overstory of longleaf pine ecosystems

R Johnson, D Gjerstad - The longleaf pine ecosystem, 2006 - Springer
Restoring longleaf pine trees to the southeastern landscape is a daunting task, because
more than 97% of the original area has been lost to other uses (Landers et al. 1995; Frost …

Artificially regenerating longleaf pine in canopy gaps: initial survival and growth during a year of drought

DA Rodrı́guez-Trejo, ML Duryea, TL White… - Forest Ecology and …, 2003 - Elsevier
Nitrogen fertilization in the nursery, along with altering the configuration of forest gaps, may
improve the reforestation success of longleaf pine seedlings. During the very droughty 1998 …

Milestones and millstones: a retrospective on 50 years of research to improve productivity in loblolly pine plantations

MC Carter, CD Foster - Forest Ecology and Management, 2006 - Elsevier
The productive potential of plantations together with the expansion of the pulp and paper
industry in the region prompted a broadly based program of research and development in …

The effect of weed control and fertilization on survival and growth of four pine species in the Virginia Piedmont

DY Amishev, TR Fox - Forest Ecology and Management, 2006 - Elsevier
The growth response of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.),
Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.), and white pine (Pinus strobus L.) to weed control and …

Understory Vegetation Richness and Diversity of Eucalyptus benthamii and Pinus elliottii Plantations in the Midsouth US

A De Stefano, MA Blazier, CE Comer, TJ Dean… - Forest …, 2020 -
Abstract In the Western Gulf region of the United States cold-tolerant eucalyptus have been
explored as pulpwood feedstock. However, non-native plantations may alter understory …