Bin packing problem with priorities and incompatibilities using PSO: application in a health care community
The present work deals with the Hospital Group of Territory problem. The objective of the
cooperation between these health institutions is to provide a better treatment offer. To do so …
cooperation between these health institutions is to provide a better treatment offer. To do so …
A generic decision support tool to planning and assignment problems: Industrial application & Industry 4.0
Decision support tools are essential to help the management of industrial systems at
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
An analogy between bin packing problem and permutation problem: A new encoding scheme
M Gourgand, N Grangeon, N Klement - … in a Global-Local World: IFIP WG …, 2014 - Springer
The bin packing problem aims to pack a set of items in a minimum number of bins, with
respect to the size of the items and capacity of the bins. This is an NP-hard problem. Several …
respect to the size of the items and capacity of the bins. This is an NP-hard problem. Several …
Medical Imaging: Exams Planning and Resource Assignment-Hybridization of a Metaheuristic and a List Algorithm
N Klement, N Grangeon, M Gourgand - International Conference on …, 2017 -
The presented work is about optimization of the hospital system. An existing solution is the
pooling of resources within the same territory. This may involve different forms of …
pooling of resources within the same territory. This may involve different forms of …
A generic decision support tool to planning and assignment problems: Industrial applications and industry 4.0
Decision support tools are essential to help the management of industrial systems at
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
Planification et affectation de ressources dans les réseaux de soin: analogie avec le problème du bin packing, proposition de méthodes approchées
N Klement - 2014 -
Les travaux de thèse présentés s' intéressent à l'optimisation des systèmes hospitaliers. Une
solution existante est la mutualisation de ressources au sein d'un même territoire. Cela peut …
solution existante est la mutualisation de ressources au sein d'un même territoire. Cela peut …
Bu çalışmada bir boyutlu kutulama problemi için melez yeni bir sezgisel çözüm yöntemi
sunulmuştur. Önerilen yaklaşımda, başlangıç çözümü oluşturmak için alt sınıra dayalı …
sunulmuştur. Önerilen yaklaşımda, başlangıç çözümü oluşturmak için alt sınıra dayalı …
[PDF][PDF] Modèle mathématique et méta-heuristiques pour un problème d'ordonnancement et d'affectation de ressources dans une communauté hospitalière de territoire
A Laurent, L Deroussi, N Grangeon, S Norre -
Cet article propose une modélisation et une résolution d'un problème de mutualisation de
ressources hospitalières dans un contexte multi-site. Ce problème est ramené à une …
ressources hospitalières dans un contexte multi-site. Ce problème est ramené à une …
[PDF][PDF] A Generic Decision Support Tool to SmmmmS Planning and Assignment Problems: Industrial Applications and Industry 4.0
Decision support tools are essential to help the management of industrial systems at
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
different levels: strategic to size the system; tactical to plan activities or assign resources; …
Démarche de conception d'un système de production industriel reconfigurable, dans un contexte de fortes variations de marché en volume et en diversité
ABD Eynaud - 2020 -
L'industrie est à la recherche d'un nouveau type de moyens de production, flexibles et
reconfigurables, permettant un investissement incrémental suivant la demande du marché …
reconfigurables, permettant un investissement incrémental suivant la demande du marché …