Activation as a common framework for social policies towards lone parents

T Knijn, C Martin, J Millar - Social Policy & Administration, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This article compares recent social policy reforms in respect of lone‐parent families in three
different national contexts: France, the Netherlands and the UK. In all three countries there is …

“Breadwinners” or “involved fathers?” Men, fathers and work in Italy

ML Bosoni - Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2014 -
The identity transformation affecting both men and women and structural changes in the
family and in the labour market in the last few decades have led to a reflection on the role of …

Geographic job mobility and parenthood decisions: Räumliche berufsbedingte Mobilität und Familienentwicklung

G Meil - Journal of Family Research, 2010 -
The aim of this paper is to analyse, differentiated by gender, the effects that high
geographical job mobility has on parenthood decisions. In particular, in a first part we will …

The Sociology of Gender in Italy: From Marginal to Mainstream

M Nocenzi, I Crespi - The American Sociologist, 2024 - Springer
Sociology is a field that examines the social construction of various aspects of human life,
including gender and sexuality, and explores how these are produced and perceived by …

Work-life balance in a capability perspective: an Italian case study of 'flexible couples'

V Pandolfini - Transfer: European Review of Labour and …, 2012 -
This article discusses the practical basis of judgements about social justice, focusing on the
quality of work-life balance in contemporary labour markets. After describing the main …

Fertility, female participation in employment and reconciliation policies in Spain

M Ibáñez - REC-WP Working Papers on the Reconciliation of …, 2010 -
Different aspects of decisions regarding parenthood are analysed. From an institutional
perspective, reconciliation policies and features of the female labour market are studied, as …

Family, work and old women's situation in Italy and Spain: New gender inequalities

I Crespi, ML Zanier, C Santoni, A Fermani… - AG About Gender …, 2015 -
The discussion about women's situation in old age has often been restricted to their
employment biographies. For women, however, family factors play a large role in connection …

The cost of a child, mother's employment behavior and economic insecurity in Europe

S Bould, I Crespi, G Schmaus - International Review of Sociology, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The past two decades in Western European societies have been marked by a decline in
fertility rates together with an increase in women's work-force participation. This has given …

Tēva pedagoģiskā kompetence mūsdienu ģimenē

N Jansone-Ratinika - 2013 -
Noras Jansones–Ratinikas promocijas darbs pedagoģijā izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes
Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes pedagoģijas nodaļā profesores Zandas …

The Impact of Law 53/2000 (Regulation of Parental Leave) on Fathers: A Good Law Disregarded in Daily Life

S Mazzucchelli - Boundaryless careers and occupational well-being, 2011 - Springer
Since the early 1990s the demand for maternity and parental leave, as well as for external
child care facilities, has grown steadily in all European countries. Thus the provision of …