Best-first width search: Exploration and exploitation in classical planning

N Lipovetzky, H Geffner - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on …, 2017 -
It has been shown recently that the performance of greedy best-first search (GBFS) for
computing plans that are not necessarily optimal can be improved by adding forms of …

Single-agent policy tree search with guarantees

L Orseau, L Lelis, T Lattimore… - Advances in Neural …, 2018 -
We introduce two novel tree search algorithms that use a policy to guide search. The first
algorithm is a best-first enumeration that uses a cost function that allows us to provide an …

Learning graph search heuristics

M Pándy, W Qiu, G Corso, P Veličković… - Learning on Graphs …, 2022 -
Searching for a path between two nodes in a graph is one of the most well-studied and
fundamental problems in computer science. In numerous domains such as robotics, AI, or …

Evaluating diversity in classical planning

M Roberts, A Howe, I Ray - Proceedings of the International Conference …, 2014 -
Applications that require alternative plans challenge the single solution, single quality metric
assumptions upon which many classical planners are designed and evaluated. To evaluate …

Adding local exploration to greedy best-first search in satisficing planning

F Xie, M Müller, R Holte - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on …, 2014 -
Abstract Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS) is a powerful algorithm at the heart of many state
of the art satisficing planners. One major weakness of GBFS is its behavior in so-called …

Scale-Adaptive Balancing of Exploration and Exploitation in Classical Planning

S Wissow, M Asai - ECAI 2024, 2024 -
Balancing exploration and exploitation has been an important problem in both adversarial
games and automated planning. While it has been extensively analyzed in the Multi-Armed …

Balancing exploration and exploitation in classical planning

T Schulte, T Keller - Proceedings of the International Symposium on …, 2014 -
Successful heuristic search planners for satisficing planning like FF or LAMA are usually
based on one or more best first search techniques. Recent research has led to planners like …

Continuing plan quality optimisation

FH Siddiqui, P Haslum - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2015 -
Finding high quality plans for large planning problems is hard. Although some current
anytime planners are often able to improve plans quickly, they tend to reach a limit at which …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a Second Generation Random Walk Planner: An Experimental Exploration.

H Nakhost, M Müller - IJCAI, 2013 -
Random walks have become a popular component of recent planning systems. The
increased exploration is a valuable addition to more exploitative search methods such as …

Better time constrained search via randomization and postprocessing

F Xie, R Valenzano, M Müller - Proceedings of the International …, 2013 -
Most of the satisficing planners which are based on heuristic search iteratively improve their
solution quality through an anytime approach. Typically, the lowest-cost solution found so far …