Distribution pattern of water salinity analysis in Jeneberang river estuary using ArcGIS

B Bakri, A Sumakin, Y Widiasari… - IOP Conference Series …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Interaction between freshwater and saltwater is a natural phenomenon in river estuaries,
with no exception for Jeneberang estuary. This interaction will affect the distribution of …

Spatial mapping of water mass structure in the estuary of Jeneberang river

R Karamma, MS Pallu, MA Thaha… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper presents a geographical information system approach in the description of water
mass structure in the vicinity of Jeneberang river estuary. An ArcGIS application has been …

[PDF][PDF] Hydrodynamic Condition of Tides and Wave Diffraction in the Estuary of Jeneberang River

R Karamma, MS Pallu, MA Thaha… - INTEK: Jurnal …, 2020 - academia.edu
The coastal hydrodynamic pattern around the estuary is determined by the wave, river
discharge, and the tidal condition which work simultaneously. The wave factor contributes to …

Investigation of Vortex Formation in Water Intake Structures by Computational Fluid Dynamics

N Kaya, M Tunc, OB Evranos - Iranian Journal of Science and Technology …, 2022 - Springer
In this study, the vortex formed on the upstream of the frontal water intake structure in a dam
lake was investigated by numerical modeling. Using the computational fluid dynamics …

Pengaruh Morfologi Muara terhadap Penjalaran Pasang Surut dan Gelombang Pecah pada Muara Sungai Jeneberang

R Karamma, MS Pallu, MA Thaha… - Jurnal Sipil Sains, 2020 - ejournal.unkhair.ac.id
Pola hidrodinamika pantai di sekitar muara bergantung pada gelombang, debit sungai, dan
pasang surut. Faktor gelombang, debit sungai, dan pasang surut akan bekerja secara …

Analysis of sediment distribution at the intake structure

B Bakri, S Pallu, R Lopa, F Maricar… - IOP Conference …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
As a Maritim country, most of Indonesia's population lives near the coast or estuary. The
main problem felt by the community is sanitation, clean water. The utilization of groundwater …

Determining water rate of the HIPPAM system

B Bakri, M Selintung, F Usman, M Ihsan… - … Series: Earth and …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The increasing demand for drinking water demand in Indonesia is mainly determined by the
rapid population growth. In overcoming the issue, the development and rehabilitation of …