[HTML][HTML] ECMWF, 日本高分辨率模式降水预报能力的对比分析

张宏芳, 潘留杰, 杨新 - 气象, 2014 - qxqk.nmc.cn
利用2012 年4 月1 日至2013 年3 月31 日ECMWF, 日本高分辨率模式降水预报资料, 全国2419
个台站逐6 h 降水量观测, CMORPH (NOAA Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method) …

Gridded daily Indian monsoon rainfall for 14 seasons: Merged TRMM and IMD gauge analyzed values

AK Mitra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, S Basu… - Journal of Earth System …, 2013 - Springer
Indian monsoon is an important component of earth's climate system. Daily rainfall data for
longer period is vital to study components and processes related to Indian monsoon. Daily …

Performance of a very high-resolution global forecast system model (GFS T1534) at 12.5 km over the Indian region during the 2016–2017 monsoon seasons

P Mukhopadhyay, VS Prasad, RPM Krishna… - Journal of Earth System …, 2019 - Springer
A global forecast system model at a horizontal resolution of T1534 (∼ 12.5\, km∼ 12.5 km)
has been evaluated for the monsoon seasons of 2016 and 2017 over the Indian region. It is …

[HTML][HTML] Predictions of 2010's tropical cyclones using the GFS and ensemble-based data assimilation methods

TM Hamill, JS Whitaker, DT Kleist… - Monthly Weather …, 2011 - journals.ametsoc.org
Homogeneous comparison of global average absolute track forecast errors and average
spread between the experimental GFS/EnKF and (a) the NCEP operational ensemble …

Physical processes controlling the diurnal cycle of convective storms in the Western Ghats

UVM Krishna, SK Das, SM Deshpande… - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
Diurnal variation of convective storms (CSs) during monsoon season and associated
physical mechanisms are significantly important for accurate forecast of short-time and …

Ensemble hydrological prediction‐based real‐time optimization of a multiobjective reservoir during flood season in a semiarid basin with global numerical weather …

F Wang, L Wang, H Zhou… - Water Resources …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Future streamflow uncertainties hinder reservoir real‐time operation, but the ensemble
prediction technique is effective for reducing the uncertainties. This study aims to combine …


潘留杰, 张宏芳, 陈小婷, 王建鹏, 陈法敬 - 热带气象学报, 2015 - rdqxxb.itmm.org.cn
利用2011—2013 年ECMWF, 日本, T639 高分辨率模式降水预报数据, CMORPH (NOAA
Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method) 卫星与自动站逐小时降水融合资料 …

[HTML][HTML] 多区域高分辨率模式强降水预报检验分析

刘静, 任川, 赵梓淇, 陈传雷, 王瀛, 才奎志 - 气象, 2022 - qxqk.nmc.cn
利用气象大数据云平台中逐小时降水资料, 基于目标对象检验法和邻域法, 评估2019—2020
年辽宁主汛期降水过程中中国气象局上海数值预报模式系统(CMA-SH9) …

Multi‐model ensemble (MME) prediction of rainfall using neural networks during monsoon season in India

A Kumar, AK Mitra, AK Bohra… - Meteorological …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The prediction of Asian summer monsoon rainfall on various space and time scales is still a
difficult task. Compared to the mid‐latitudes, proportional improvement in the skill in …

基于MODE 方法的日本细网格模式降水预报的诊断分析

薛春芳, 潘留杰 - 2016 - ir.lzu.edu.cn
摘要利用CMORPH 卫星与中国30000 余个自动站逐时降水融合资料, 基于面向对象模式诊断
分析MODE 方法研究了降水对象的客观表现以及日本细网格模式对2012-2013 年中国34 …