Estimating real and nominal term structures using treasury yields, inflation, inflation forecasts, and inflation swap rates

JG Haubrich, G Pennacchi, PH Ritchken - 2008 -
This paper develops and estimates an equilibrium model of the term structures of nominal
and real interest rates. The term structures are driven by state variables that include the short …

[图书][B] The yield curve and financial risk premia: Implications for monetary policy

F Geiger - 2011 -
The determinants of yield curve dynamics have been thoroughly discussed in finance
models. However, little can be said about the macroeconomic factors behind the movements …

Simulation-based Bayesian estimation of an affine term structure model

AD Sanford, GM Martin - Computational statistics & data analysis, 2005 - Elsevier
A Bayesian simulation-based method is developed for estimating a class of interest rate
models known as affine term structure (ATS) models. The technique is based on a Markov …

A multi-factor model for the valuation and risk managment of demand deposits

H Dewachter, M Lyrio, S Maes - National Bank of Belgium working …, 2006 -
How should we value and manage deposit accounts where deposits have a zero contractual
maturity, but which, in practice, remain stable through time and are remunerated below …

[图书][B] The Vasicek and CIR models and the expectation hypothesis of the interest rate term structure

P Georges - 2003 -
A good understanding of the theories of the interest rate term structure is important when
elaborating a debt management strategy and, in particular, when choosing the maturity …

The use of Bayes factors to compare interest rate term structure models

WK Hughen, C Giaccotto, PH Hsu - Quantitative Finance, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Studies of the term structure of interest rates try to explain the relationship between the yield
to maturity on zero-coupon bonds and their time to maturity. Over the years, many theoretical …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a joint characterization of monetary policy and the dynamics of the term structure of interest rates

R Fendel - 2004 -
The paper develops an empirical no-arbitrage Gaussian affine term structure model to
explain the dynamics of the German term structure of interest rates from 1979 through 1998 …

Pricing bonds in the Australian market

CM Bilson, TJ Brailsford, LJ Sullivan… - Australian Journal …, 2008 -
This paper provides an examination of term structure models in the Australian bond market.
Specifically, we examine the comparative ability of various models to forecast at the short …

A Novel Approach to Predicting Interest Rates using PCA & Quantile Regression

A Parashar - 2021 -
Denne masteroppgaven forsøker å utforske renterisiko predikeringsevnen til en ny modell
som benytter seg av kjente verktøy innad i fagområdet. For å kontrollere renterisiko benyttes …

[PDF][PDF] Profitabilité bancaire et risque de taux dlintérêt au Maroc

Z Firano, FA Fatine -
Résumé Ce papier tente dlanalyser les interactions entre la profitabilité bancaire et les
évolutions macroéconomiques au Maroc. En plus des taux dlintérêt, sources de revenus des …