Impacts of Covid-19 on Preferences for Airbnb and Car-Sharing Services and Marketing Implications

J Kim, SS Kim, M Giroux, J Park, SF Yap… - Tourism …, 2023 -
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the ecosystem of tourism businesses. This study
aimed to assess the effect of the pandemic on consumers' intentions to choose sharing …

Threat on Society or Health? How Different Framing of Covid-19 Affects People's Willingness to Give Money and Time

J Jhang, JJ Yoo, S Song - 경영학연구, 2023 -
As the coronavirus outbreak spreads, the pandemic has affected every region of the world,
and its impacts are multi-fold; economic, political, and social. This research investigates how …

사회또는건강에의위협? 코비드19 의프레이밍이사람들의돈과시간의기부의사에미치는영향에관한연구

장지훈, 유정은, 송상영 - 경영학연구, 2023 -
As the coronavirus outbreak spreads, the pandemic has affected every region of the world,
and its impacts are multi-fold; economic, political, and social. This research investigates how …

[PDF][PDF] Jihoon Jhang (First Author)

JJ Yoo, S Song - 2011 -
As the coronavirus outbreak spreads, the pandemic has affected every region of the world,
and its impacts are multi-fold; economic, political, and social. This research investigates how …