An evaluation of the relationship between human resource practices and service quality: An empirical investigation in the canadian hotel industry
O Khassawneh - 2018 -
Human resource management (HRM) practices have been recognised as a key function in
enhancing organisational productivity and sustaining competitive advantage for …
enhancing organisational productivity and sustaining competitive advantage for …
When and why are internal job transitions successful? Transition challenges, hindrances, and resources influencing motivation and retention through basic needs …
M Verbruggen, R De Cooman… - Group & Organization …, 2015 -
This study examines when and why internal job transitions enhance employees' motivation
and retention. Building on the Challenge–Hindrance Framework and the Self-Determination …
and retention. Building on the Challenge–Hindrance Framework and the Self-Determination …
Uso de indicadores financieros para evaluar el impacto de las Prácticas de Alta Implicación
AJ Tárraga - WPOM, 2011 -
Las Prácticas de Alta Implicación o Rendimiento (en inglés HIWP o HPWP) son un grupo de
prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos que actúan sinérgicamente y mejoran la …
prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos que actúan sinérgicamente y mejoran la …
[PDF][PDF] The relationship between organizational commitment, career adaptability and retention factors within the retail sector in the Western cape
R Jabaar - … Master's dissertation. Pretoria, South Africa: University …, 2017 -
This section conceptualises retention factors and provides an overview of Herzberg's (1959)
two factor theory, Yazinski's (2009) twelve retention factors and Döckel's (2003) retention …
two factor theory, Yazinski's (2009) twelve retention factors and Döckel's (2003) retention …
Use of financial indicators to evaluate the impact of high involvement work practices
AJ Tárraga - WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 2011 -
Abstract The High Involvement Work Practices (or High Performance Work Practices) are a
set of human resource management practices that act synergistically to improve …
set of human resource management practices that act synergistically to improve …
Los programas de alto rendimiento (HIWP) como respuesta a los retos de los responsables de gestión de recursos humanos, y su impacto en resultados …
A Juárez Tárraga - 2016 -
[ES] En el marco de las investigaciones en Sistemas de Gestión de Recursos Humanos, y
más concretamente en las relacionadas con el uso de Programas de Alto Rendimiento …
más concretamente en las relacionadas con el uso de Programas de Alto Rendimiento …
[引用][C] Exploring the linkages between high performance work systems and organizational performance: The role of relational coordination in the banking sector of …
M Siddique - 2014 - University of Newcastle Upon Tyne