Executive compensation: A survey of theory and evidence

A Edmans, X Gabaix, D Jenter - The handbook of the economics of …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on executive compensation. We
start by presenting data on the level of CEO and other top executive pay over time and …

CEO compensation

C Frydman, D Jenter - Annu. Rev. Financ. Econ., 2010 - annualreviews.org
This paper surveys the recent literature on CEO compensation. The rapid rise in CEO pay
over the past 30 years has sparked an intense debate about the nature of the pay-setting …

Connecting the dots: Bringing external corporate governance into the corporate governance puzzle

RV Aguilera, K Desender, MK Bednar… - … of Management Annals, 2015 - journals.aom.org
Corporate governance (CG) research has largely focused on internal governance
mechanisms (ie the board of directors, controlling owners, and managerial incentives) …

Behavioral CEOs: The role of managerial overconfidence

U Malmendier, G Tate - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015 - aeaweb.org
In this paper, we provide a theoretical and empirical framework that allows us to synthesize
and assess the burgeoning literature on CEO overconfidence. We also provide novel …

Corporate governance and firm performance: empirical evidence from Pakistan

M Farooq, A Noor, S Ali - … : The International Journal of Business in …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this research is to look into the governance–performance
relationship in the context of critical firm characteristics, such as firm size …

Optimal taxation of top labor incomes: A tale of three elasticities

T Piketty, E Saez, S Stantcheva - American economic journal: economic …, 2014 - aeaweb.org
This paper derives optimal top tax rate formulas in a model where top earners respond to
taxes through three channels: labor supply, tax avoidance, and compensation bargaining …

CFOs versus CEOs: Equity incentives and crashes

JB Kim, Y Li, L Zhang - Journal of financial economics, 2011 - Elsevier
Using a large sample of US firms for the period 1993–2009, we provide evidence that the
sensitivity of a chief financial officer's (CFO) option portfolio value to stock price is …

Executive compensation: Where we are, and how we got there

KJ Murphy - Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 2013 - Elsevier
In this study, I summarize the current state of executive compensation, discuss measurement
and incentive issues, document recent trends in executive pay in both US and international …

Corporate tax avoidance and high-powered incentives

MA Desai, D Dharmapala - Journal of financial Economics, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes the links between corporate tax avoidance and the growth of high-
powered incentives for managers. A simple model demonstrates the role of feedback effects …

Executive compensation as an agency problem

LA Bebchuk, JM Fried - Journal of economic perspectives, 2003 - aeaweb.org
This paper provides an overview of the main theoretical elements and empirical
underpinnings of a “managerial power” approach to executive compensation. Under this …