[PDF][PDF] Robot path planning algorithms: a review of theory and experiment

H Jahanshahi, NN Sari - arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.08137, 2018 - arxiv.org
The scope of robotic science and its applications are developing step by step through
increased safety and efficiency. In general, research on various robots can be divided into …

Topological Gaussian ARTs with Short-Term and Long-Term Memory for Map Building and Fuzzy Motion Planning

CW Hong, LC Kiong, K Naoyuki - International Journal of Artificial …, 2016 - igi-global.com
This paper proposes a cognitive architecture for building a topological map incrementally
inspired by beta oscillations during place cell learning in hippocampus. The proposed …

An Odometry-free approach for simultaneous localization and online hybrid map building

WH Chin, CK Loo, Y Toda, N Kubota - Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2016 - frontiersin.org
In this article, we propose a new approach for mobile robot localization and hybrid map
building simultaneously without using any odometry hardware system. The proposed …

Incremental pose estimation for mobile robots within curvilinear environments

V Caglioti - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2007 - content.iospress.com
This paper addresses the self-localization of a mobile robot, equipped with a laser range
scanner, navigating within a curvilinear environment. Specifically, we present a technique …

[PDF][PDF] Nouvelle approche de recherche de trajectoire pour robot autonome dans un environnement inconnu

M Farouk - 2014 - biblio.univ-annaba.dz
Résumé Un des problèmes les plus persistants dans le monde de la robotique est le
problème de recherche de trajectoire dans un environnement inconnu. Le robot n'a qu'une …


이상운 - 한국정보기술학회논문지, 2013 - dbpia.co.kr
본 논문은 장애물을 회피하면서 출발지 s 에서 목적지 t 까지 도달하는 로봇의 최단경로
알고리즘을 제안하였다. 제안된 알고리즘은 (s, t) 의 직선인 절단 C 를 그려 절단 C 가 장애물을 …

[PDF][PDF] AFIA-96 Workshop on Planning Robot Actions in Complex Environments

С Ferrari, E Pagello - cassinis.it
In questo articolo viene presentata una proposta di riclassificazione delle strategie di moto
di un robot basata su un criterio di compatibilitа. Il risultato della riclassificazione operata …

[PDF][PDF] Curiositas Robotica

G Bianco, R Cassinis - ND, 1995 - cassinis.it
Cassinis2 Sommario L'articolo descrive lo stato della ricerca sul sistema di pianificazione …

[PDF][PDF] Aplicações de Sistemas Classificadores para Robótica Autônoma Móvel com Aprendizado

MK Madrid - 2002 - academia.edu
A Robótica Móvel tem como meta fundamental elaborar trajetórias para evitar colisões,
localizar e alcançar alvos, auto-suficiência do robô em termos de suprimento de energia …

Navigation and manipulation in an unstructured power plant environment

S Congiu, L Orsenigo, E Pagelio - Proceedings of IECON'94 …, 1994 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper describes an AGV-based testbench whose purpose is to validate and integrate
the results achieved by a number of Italian academic and research institutions in the frame …