[HTML][HTML] Evaluating the effectiveness of gamification on physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

A Mazeas, M Duclos, B Pereira, A Chalabaev - Journal of medical Internet …, 2022 - jmir.org
Background Gamification refers to the use of game elements in nongame contexts. The use
of gamification to change behaviors and promote physical activity (PA) is a promising …

[HTML][HTML] Gamification for health and wellbeing: A systematic review of the literature

D Johnson, S Deterding, KA Kuhn, A Staneva… - Internet …, 2016 - Elsevier
Background Compared to traditional persuasive technology and health games, gamification
is posited to offer several advantages for motivating behaviour change for health and well …

[图书][B] Digital detox: The politics of disconnecting

T Syvertsen - 2020 - emerald.com
Armstrong, 2015 Armstrong, J.(2015). Media blackout: Would I be happier if I didn't read the
news? The Guardian, March 3. Retrieved from http://www. theguardian …

Understanding persuasion contexts in health gamification: A systematic analysis of gamified health behavior change support systems literature

T Alahäivälä, H Oinas-Kukkonen - International journal of medical …, 2016 - Elsevier
Background Gamification is increasingly used as a design strategy when developing
behavior change support systems in the healthcare domain. It is commonly agreed that …

The effects of gamified customer benefits and characteristics on behavioral engagement and purchase: Evidence from mobile exercise application uses

S Jang, PJ Kitchen, J Kim - Journal of Business Research, 2018 - Elsevier
This study investigates how gamified customer benefits (epistemic, social integrative, and
personal integrative) and customer characteristics (age and experience) influence marketing …

Temporal ambivalences in smartphone use: Conflicting flows, conflicting responsibilities

B Ytre-Arne, T Syvertsen, H Moe… - new media & …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores implications of the central position of the smartphone in an age of
constant connectivity. Based on a qualitative study of 50 informants, we ask how users …

Spielerische ansätze in prävention und gesundheitsförderung: serious games und gamification

D Tolks, C Lampert, K Dadaczynski, E Maslon… - 2020 - opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de
Hintergrund Digitalisierte Gesundheitsinterventionen, eigens kreiert oder herkömmlich in
einem digitalen Format neu aufbereitet, stellen ein großes Innovationspotenzial für die …

Novel smartphone game improves physical activity behavior in type 2 diabetes

C Höchsmann, O Müller, M Ambühl, C Klenk… - American journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Introduction Many type 2 diabetes patients show insufficient levels of physical activity and
are often unmotivated to change physical activity behaviors. This study investigated whether …

A web-based gamification program to improve nutrition literacy in families of 3-to 5-year-old children: the nutriscience project

J Azevedo, P Padrão, MJ Gregório, C Almeida… - Journal of nutrition …, 2019 - Elsevier
Objective Assess the impact of a web-based gamification program on nutrition literacy of
families and explore differences in impact by socioeconomic status. Design Quasi …

Should we play games where energy is concerned? perceptions of serious gaming as a technology to motivate energy behaviour change among social housing …

C Boomsma, R Hafner, S Pahl, RV Jones, A Fuertes - Sustainability, 2018 - mdpi.com
The invisibility and intangibility of energy are key challenges faced by communicators
looking to reduce household energy demand.'Serious games'—defined as formalized, goal …