ARAS Algorithm as Decision Support System's Technique for Selection Student Creativity Program
Abstract Indonesia's Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Research,
Technology, and Higher Education founded the Student Creativity Program (abbreviated as …
Technology, and Higher Education founded the Student Creativity Program (abbreviated as …
Application of MCDM using PROMETHEE II Technique in the Case of Social Media Selection for Online Businesses.
IGI Sudipa, C Astria, KF Irnanda… - IOP Conference …, 2020 -
Internet media has become one of the means of product promotion that has very good
prospects today. The research aims to recommend the right social media for online …
prospects today. The research aims to recommend the right social media for online …
Application of Data Mining Technique using K-Medoids in the case of Export of Crude Petroleum Materials to the Destination Country
The purpose of this research is to analyze and implement the data mining technique in the
export of crude petroleum materials to the destination country. This is because Indonesia is …
export of crude petroleum materials to the destination country. This is because Indonesia is …
Algoritma K-Means untuk Pengelompokkan Dokumen Akta Kelahiran pada Tiap Kecamatan di Kabupaten Simalungun
FS Napitupulu, IS Damanik… - Building of Informatics …, 2020 -
Akta kelahiran merupakan salah satu dokumen yang wajib untuk dimiliki oleh seorang
warga negara. Dokumen ini berisikan informasi seputar kelahiran seseorang dan …
warga negara. Dokumen ini berisikan informasi seputar kelahiran seseorang dan …
Implementation of ELECTRE II Algorithm to Analyze Student Constraint Factors in Completing Thesis
This study aims to determine the obstacles that cause students to be slow in completing final
assignments during the pandemic at STIKI Indonesia. Data were obtained from the results of …
assignments during the pandemic at STIKI Indonesia. Data were obtained from the results of …
Penerapan K-Means Clustering pada ekspor minyak kelapa sawit menurut negara tujuan
S Hajar, AA Novany, AP Windarto… - … Komputer & Sains …, 2020 -
Negara Indonesia adalah salah satu negara pengekspor ke negara-negara maju dan
berkembang. Tujuan dari eksportir adalah untuk dapat memperoleh keuntungan. Penelitian …
berkembang. Tujuan dari eksportir adalah untuk dapat memperoleh keuntungan. Penelitian …
The application of multiple linear regression method for population estimation Gunung Malela District
WAL Sinaga, S Sumarno… - JOMLAI: Journal of …, 2022 -
Population growth in an area is important for development and is a benchmark for an area to
develop. The way to predict population growth is to use Data Mining. Data mining is able to …
develop. The way to predict population growth is to use Data Mining. Data mining is able to …
Application of ELECTRE algorithm in skincare product selection
Skincare is currently growing very fast. The community, especially women, both teenagers
and parents, now believes more in Skincare services and products that change consumers' …
and parents, now believes more in Skincare services and products that change consumers' …
Pengembangan Datamining Klastering Pada Kasus Pencemaran Lingkungan Hidup
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat performa tebaik dari dua metode datamining
clustering yaitu metode K-Means Clustering dengan metode K-Medoids Clustering …
clustering yaitu metode K-Means Clustering dengan metode K-Medoids Clustering …
Pemilihan Calon Manager Dari Pegawai Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Pada CV. Glofacia Oceanic
DCP Sinaga, B Sianipar… - J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains …, 2020 -
Abstrak Pada Saat ini Perusahan CV. Glofacia Oceanic di Kota Medan sedang mencari
Pegawai untuk diangkat Posisi Manager, Untuk Pemilihan Calon Manager terjadi kesulitan …
Pegawai untuk diangkat Posisi Manager, Untuk Pemilihan Calon Manager terjadi kesulitan …