Continuous representability of homothetic preorders by means of sublinear order-preserving functions

G Bosi, ME Zuanon - Mathematical Social Sciences, 2003 - Elsevier
We characterize the existence of a nonnegative, sublinear and continuous order-preserving
function for a not necessarily complete preorder on a real convex cone in an arbitrary …

Mathematical utility theory and the representability of demand by continuous homogeneous functions

JCR Alcantud, G Bosi, CR Palmero… - Portuguese Economic …, 2006 - Springer
The resort to utility-theoretical issues will permit us to propose a constructive procedure for
deriving a homogeneous of degree one continuous function that gives raise to a primitive …

Sublinear and continuous order-preserving functions for noncomplete preorders

G Bosi, ME Zuanon - arXiv preprint math/0204101, 2002 -
We characterize the existence of a nonnegative, sublinear and continuous order-preserving
function for a not necessarily complete preorder on a real convex cone in an arbitrary …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between Mathematical Utility Theory and the Integrability Problem: some arguments in favour

JCR Alcantud, G Bosi, C Rodrıguez-Palmero… - 2003 -
The resort to utility-theoretical issues will permit us to propose a constructive procedure for
deriving a homogeneous of degree one, continuous function that gives raise to a primitive …