Comparative social cognition

NJ Emery, NS Clayton - Annual review of psychology, 2009 -
Theory of mind is said to be uniquely human. Is this statement justified? Thirty years of
research on a variety of species has produced differences in opinion, from unequivocal …

Primate social cognition: uniquely primate, uniquely social, or just unique?

RW Byrne, LA Bates - Neuron, 2010 -
Primates undoubtedly have impressive abilities in perceiving, recognizing, manipulating,
and predicting other individuals, but only great apes seem to recognize the cognitive basis …

Bad to the bone: facial structure predicts unethical behaviour

MP Haselhuhn, EM Wong - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2012 -
Researchers spanning many scientific domains, including primatology, evolutionary biology
and psychology, have sought to establish an evolutionary basis for morality. While …

Communication-induced memory biases in preverbal infants

JMD Yoon, MH Johnson… - Proceedings of the …, 2008 - National Acad Sciences
Human teaching, a highly specialized form of cooperative information transmission,
depends not only on the presence of benevolent communicators in the environment, but …

Jackdaws respond to human attentional states and communicative cues in different contexts

AMP von Bayern, NJ Emery - Current Biology, 2009 -
Humans communicate their intentions and disposition using their eyes [1, 2], whereas the
communicative function of eyes in animals is less clear [3]. Many species show aversive …

Are great apes tested with an abject object-choice task?

NJ Mulcahy, V Hedge - Animal Behaviour, 2012 - Elsevier
A surprising finding in comparative social cognition is that great apes seem to have
difficulties understanding others' communicative behaviour. In no other paradigm is this …

Gaze following and gaze priming in lemurs

A Ruiz, JC Gómez, JJ Roeder, RW Byrne - Animal cognition, 2009 - Springer
Although primates have often been found to co-orient visually with other individuals,
members of these same species have usually failed to use co-orientation to find hidden food …

Do domestic dogs understand human actions as goal-directed?

S Marshall-Pescini, M Ceretta, E Prato-Previde - PLoS One, 2014 -
Understanding of other's actions as goal-directed is considered a fundamental ability
underlying cognitive and social development in human infants. A number of studies using …

Primate social cognition: Thirty years after Premack and Woodruff.

AG Rosati, LR Santos, B Hare - 2010 -
Here we address two aspects of primate social cognition—understanding of intentional, goal-
directed action and understanding perceptions, knowledge, and beliefs—focusing on the …

(Mis) understanding mirror neurons

G Hickok, M Hauser - Current Biology, 2010 -
It is hard to imagine a class of neurons that has generated more excitement than mirror
neurons, cells discovered by Rizzolatti and colleagues [1] in macaque area F5 that fire both …