[PDF][PDF] the Influence of Social Media Marketing and Store Atmosphere on Purchase Decision Mediated By Consumer Trust in Millennial Coffee Shops in Banda Aceh
RF Raniya, PH Lubis, TM Kesuma - International Journal of Business …, 2023 - ijbmer.org
This study aims to examine the Social Media Marketing and Store Atmosphere influence on
Purchase Decision mediated by Consumer Trust in millennial coffee shops in Banda Aceh …
Purchase Decision mediated by Consumer Trust in millennial coffee shops in Banda Aceh …
penguatan ekonomi lokal pada pelaku UMKM berbasis digital di Desa Winduaji Kabupaten Brebes
AZ Yamani, AW Muhammad… - … : Indonesian Journal of …, 2019 - ejournal.pnc.ac.id
Pada era industri 4.0, pengetahuan teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi sangat
penting. UMKM adalah perusahaan mikro yang seharusnya menggunakan akses informasi …
penting. UMKM adalah perusahaan mikro yang seharusnya menggunakan akses informasi …
Pelatihan Digital Marketing Strategy Untuk Mencapai Kemandirian Masyarakat
AM Wiediawati, AA Pratiwi… - Dinamisia: Jurnal …, 2019 - journal.unilak.ac.id
Abstrak Di Desa Gunungsari terdapat banyak sekali pengangguran yang membutuhkan
lapangan pekerjaan untuk mencukupi biaya hidup sehari-hari. Pengangguran didominasi …
lapangan pekerjaan untuk mencukupi biaya hidup sehari-hari. Pengangguran didominasi …
Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing Dalam Memasarkan Produk Teh Di Desa Manik Maraja
M Pasaribu, P Maulia - Prosiding Seminar Nasional …, 2021 - jurnal.umsu.ac.id
Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara ini
hadir untuk memberikan masukan dan saran yang diberikan kepada UMKM di desa Manik …
hadir untuk memberikan masukan dan saran yang diberikan kepada UMKM di desa Manik …
Pelatihan penerapan digital marketing bagi pelaku UMKM di desa
Desa Pemakuan terkenal dengan hasil produksi sagu dan terletak di Kecamatan Sungai
Tabuk Kabupaten Banjar Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan memiliki luas 3.05 km2. Hasil …
Tabuk Kabupaten Banjar Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan memiliki luas 3.05 km2. Hasil …
Penggunaan Digital Marketing Pada Jasa Usaha Fotografi “X”
GE Aryanto, R Victor - Jurnal STRATEGI-Jurnal Maranatha, 2019 - strategi.it.maranatha.edu
The business world has grown rapidly along with the times. Now consumers will consider
products and services before they buy them or use them by looking at information found on …
products and services before they buy them or use them by looking at information found on …
Ecopreneurship Berbasis Digital Marketing Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Ibu Pkk Desa Gunung Pasir Jaya
T Dhian - Jurnal Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, 2023 - penerbitgoodwood.com
Purpose: Ecopreneurship provides solutions to the problems of waste with the aim of
creating new value-added products. Ecopreneurs see the environment as something that …
creating new value-added products. Ecopreneurs see the environment as something that …
[PDF][PDF] The Influence of Digital Marketing On Sharia MSME Income (Study of Sharia MSMEs in Deli Serdang Regency)
M Hafizh, PR Silalahi - el-Amwal, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The use of digital marketing during the pandemic is very helpful for SMEs in developing their
business. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital marketing on …
business. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of digital marketing on …
Empowerment of MSMEs to Increasing Competence in Public Communication
The objectives of this study are 1) to analyze the implementation of public speaking training
to improve the digital communication competence of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized …
to improve the digital communication competence of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized …
Penerapan Digital Marketing Pada Pelaku UMKM Di Desa Maguwan Ponorogo
Y Anggraini, RM Anshori… - Proceedings of Annual …, 2023 - proceedings.uinsa.ac.id
METODE Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Dalam pelatihan kali ini, peneliti
menggunakan metode pendekatan (ABCD) Asset Based Community Development, dimana …
menggunakan metode pendekatan (ABCD) Asset Based Community Development, dimana …