Soft computing techniques in advancement of structural metals

S Datta, PP Chattopadhyay - International Materials …, 2013 -
Current trends in the progress of technology demand availability of materials resources
ahead of the advancing fronts of the application areas. During the last couple of decades …

Machine learning for material characterization with an application for predicting mechanical properties

A Stoll, P Benner - GAMM‐Mitteilungen, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Currently, the growth of material data from experiments and simulations is expanding
beyond processable amounts. This makes the development of new data‐driven methods for …

Application of machine learning in determining the mechanical properties of materials

N Jain, A Verma, S Ogata, MR Sanjay… - Machine learning applied …, 2022 - Springer
Currently, the challenge in front of researchers is to discover new novel material with
superior properties as per the demand of the society with a vast range of applications. With …

Genetic algorithms, a nature-inspired tool: survey of applications in materials science and related fields

W Paszkowicz - Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a tool used to solve high-complexity computational problems.
Apart from modelling the phenomena occurring in Nature, they help in optimization …

Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in materials science and engineering

CA Coello Coello, RL Becerra - Materials and manufacturing …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides a short introduction to the evolutionary multiobjective optimization field.
The first part of the article discusses the most representative multiobjective evolutionary …

Tensile property prediction by feature engineering guided machine learning in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels

C Wang, C Shen, Q Cui, C Zhang, W Xu - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
The accurate prediction of tensile properties has great importance for the service life
assessment and alloy design of RAFM steels. In order to overcome the limitation of …

Single-crystal nickel-based superalloys developed by numerical multi-criteria optimization techniques: design based on thermodynamic calculations and experimental …

R Rettig, NC Ritter, HE Helmer… - … and Simulation in …, 2015 -
A method for finding the optimum alloy compositions considering a large number of property
requirements and constraints by systematic exploration of large composition spaces is …

[PDF][PDF] Review on data-driven method for property prediction of iron and steel wear-resistant materials

刘源, 魏世忠 - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022 -
Data-driven method utilizes machine learning (ML) to mine hidden rules in data, conforming
to the" fourth paradigm". A great deal of basic data is needed for this method. By comparing …

Design of medium carbon steels by computational intelligence techniques

NS Reddy, J Krishnaiah, HB Young, JS Lee - Computational Materials …, 2015 - Elsevier
Steel design with the targeted properties is a challenging task due to the involvement of
many variables and their complex interactions. Artificial neural networks (ANN) recognized …

Structure prediction of titania phases: Implementation of Darwinian versus Lamarckian concepts in an Evolutionary Algorithm

SM Woodley, CRA Catlow - Computational Materials Science, 2009 - Elsevier
Darwinian and Lamarckian schemes within evolutionary algorithms have been implemented
and optimised. We compare the performance of these two approaches applied to the …