Rates of urbanisation and the resiliency of air and water quality

JD Duh, V Shandas, H Chang, LA George - Science of the total …, 2008 - Elsevier
Global human population and urban development are increasing at unprecedented rates
and creating tremendous stress on local, regional, and global air and water quality …

A review on carbon emission reduction in industries and planning emission limits

RK Sinha, ND Chaturvedi - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019 - Elsevier
Carbon emission is a prime reason for global warming. There are various industrial
processes which discharge significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon …

A holistic review of applied methodologies for assessing and selecting the optimal technological alternative from a sustainability perspective

V Ibáñez-Forés, MD Bovea, V Pérez-Belis - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014 - Elsevier
Assessing and selecting the optimal technological alternatives in industrial sector is a
fundamental tool to improve and adapt the industrial processes to the European legislation …

Assessing the sustainability of Best Available Techniques (BAT): methodology and application in the ceramic tiles industry

V Ibáñez-Forés, MD Bovea, A Azapagic - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper presents a methodology for identifying sustainable and most appropriate BAT for
a given industrial installation and sector. The methodology involves identification of …

Cleaner production implementation in a fruit juice production plant

R Rahim, AAA Raman - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015 - Elsevier
This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using Cleaner Production (CP)
strategy in a fruit juice production plant. CP strategy is meant to reduce carbon dioxide (CO …

Symbiotic technology assessment in iron and steel industry based on entropy TOPSIS method

Y Wang, Z Wen, H Li - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 - Elsevier
Symbiotic technology is a useful technique for industrial cleaner production and
sustainability. A comprehensive assessment method is necessary for the selection and …

Best available techniques and pollution control: a case study on China's thermal power industry

X Liu, Z Wen - Journal of cleaner production, 2012 - Elsevier
The Chinese Government established an industrial environmental management system to
execute its pollutants gross control policy in 2006. A key component of this system is the …

Best Available Technique assessment methods: a literature review from sector to installation level

D Evrard, V Laforest, J Villot, R Gaucher - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Industrial Emission Directive (IED) has strengthened the requirement to apply
Best Available Techniques (BATs) previously introduced by the IPPC (Integrated Pollution …

Management strategy for hazardous waste from atomised SME: application to the printing industry

LC Andrade, CG Míguez, MCT Gómez… - Journal of cleaner …, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper develops a management strategy for the hazardous waste generated by an
atomised sector, integrated by highly dispersed small enterprises, considering two of the …

Integrated environmental permit through best available techniques: evaluation of the fish and seafood canning industry

PMB Bugallo, LC Andrade, AM Iglesias… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2013 - Elsevier
Fish and seafood canning industry constitutes a fundamental sector for the economy of
Galicia (NW Spain), where these companies represent more than 50% of the total number of …