Chemistry and composition of fish otoliths: pathways, mechanisms and applications
SE Campana - Marine ecology progress series, 1999 -
The fish otolith (earstone) has long been known as a timekeeper, but interest in its use as a
metabolically inert environmental recorder has accelerated in recent years. In part due to …
metabolically inert environmental recorder has accelerated in recent years. In part due to …
Stable isotope compositions of biological apatite
MJ Kohn, TE Cerling - Reviews in mineralogy and …, 2002 -
The stable isotope compositions of biogenic materials record a combination of
environmental parameters and biological processes. In general, the environment provides a …
environmental parameters and biological processes. In general, the environment provides a …
Strontium isotope stratigraphy
JM McArthur - 2010 -
Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy | Application of Modern Stratigraphic TechniquesTheory and
Case Histories | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Case Histories | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Strontium isotope stratigraphy: LOWESS version 3: best fit to the marine Sr-isotope curve for 0–509 Ma and accompanying look-up table for deriving numerical age
JM McArthur, RJ Howarth… - The Journal of …, 2001 -
An improved and updated version of the statistical LOWESS fit to the marine 87Sr/86Sr
record and a revised look-up table (V3: 10/99; available from j. mcarthur@ ucl. ac. uk) based …
record and a revised look-up table (V3: 10/99; available from j. mcarthur@ ucl. ac. uk) based …
Strontium isotopes as tracers of ecosystem processes: theory and methods
The strontium (Sr) isotope method can be a powerful tool in studies of chemical weathering
and soil genesis, cation provenance and mobility, and the chronostratigraphic correlation of …
and soil genesis, cation provenance and mobility, and the chronostratigraphic correlation of …
Recent trends in strontium isotope stratigraphy
JM McArthur - Terra nova, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
An introduction to Sr‐isotope stratigraphy can be obtained from several recent reviews
(Elderfield, 1986; Veizer, 1989; McArthur, 1991, 1992a). The purpose of this article is not to …
(Elderfield, 1986; Veizer, 1989; McArthur, 1991, 1992a). The purpose of this article is not to …
Strontium isotopes and prehistoric human migration: the Bell Beaker period in central Europe
TD Price, C Knipper, G Grupe… - European journal of …, 2004 -
Human skeletal remains from Bell Beaker graves in southern Germany, Austria, the Czech
Republic, and Hungary were analyzed for information on human migration. Strontium …
Republic, and Hungary were analyzed for information on human migration. Strontium …
The use of natural strontium isotopes as tracers in environmental studies
G Åberg - Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 1995 - Springer
Naturally occurring isotopes of elements like strontium have proved to be good tools for
tracing the past and for monitoring of processes in the present. The spread and variation in …
tracing the past and for monitoring of processes in the present. The spread and variation in …
Preservation of seawater Sr and Nd isotopes in fossil fish teeth: bad news and good news
EE Martin, HD Scher - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2004 - Elsevier
We analyzed 87Sr/86Sr ratios in foraminifera, pore fluids, and fish teeth for samples ranging
in age from Eocene to Pleistocene from four Ocean Drilling Program sites distributed around …
in age from Eocene to Pleistocene from four Ocean Drilling Program sites distributed around …
Strontium isotope stratigraphy: potential resolution and event correlation
J Veizer, D Buhl, A Diener, S Ebneth… - Palaeogeography …, 1997 - Elsevier
A new generation 87Sr/86Sr isotope curve for the Phanerozoic seawater, based on a
compilation of 3635 stratigraphically well defined and well preserved skeletal components …
compilation of 3635 stratigraphically well defined and well preserved skeletal components …