Exploring and modeling directional effects on steering behavior in virtual reality
Steering is a fundamental task in interactive Virtual Reality (VR) systems. Prior work has
demonstrated that movement direction can significantly influence user behavior in the …
demonstrated that movement direction can significantly influence user behavior in the …
Gamified virtual reality for computational thinking
In Computer Science Education, coding activities are extremely important to teach younger
students the basics of programming and computational thinking. To provide an immersive …
students the basics of programming and computational thinking. To provide an immersive …
Passive haptic feedback for more realistic and efficient grasping movements in virtual environments
Achieving natural interaction in virtual environments is essential to create realistic
simulations in various fields, including healthcare and education. The ability to interact in …
simulations in various fields, including healthcare and education. The ability to interact in …
Stuet: Dual Stewart Platforms for Pinch Grasping Objects in VR
Complex 3D shapes' surfaces can be characterised using three shape descriptors: zeroth-
order for rendering width; first-order to convey slope; and second-order for curvature. These …
order for rendering width; first-order to convey slope; and second-order for curvature. These …
DroneHaptics: Encountered-Type Haptic Interface Using Dome-Shaped Drone for 3-DoF Force Feedback
This paper introduces a dome shaped haptic drone that generates controllable 3D force
feedback as an end-effector. To this end, a hemispherical cage using an aluminum mesh is …
feedback as an end-effector. To this end, a hemispherical cage using an aluminum mesh is …