[PDF][PDF] The contribution of home food gardening program to household food security in Indonesia: A review

H Saediman, A Gafaruddin, H Hidrawati… - … on Environment and …, 2021 - wseas.com
Home gardens are an essential component of the local food system and family farming
worldwide. In Indonesia, a home food gardening program was initiated in the early 2010s to …

Study of organic fertilizers and rice varieties on rice production and methane emissions in nutrient-poor irrigated rice fields

FD Arianti, MD Pertiwi, J Triastono, H Purwaningsih… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The problem of rice farming in Indonesia is the increasing extent of nutrient-poor land due to
the lack of addition of organic matter and continuously inundated irrigated rice fields …

[PDF][PDF] Rice farmers' perception of climate variability in South konawe district of southeast sulawesi

H Saediman, MAL La Ode Lasmin, U Rianse, L Geo - Perception, 2020 - researchgate.net
Climate variability can have severe impacts on agriculture, especially on rice as the water-
intensive crop that depends heavily on precipitation and temperature. This research aimed …

[PDF][PDF] Profitability and constraints of small-scale tomato production in Baubau municipality of Southeast Sulawesi

S Surni, H Saediman, F Wulandari… - … Trans. Environ. Dev, 2020 - karyailmiah.uho.ac.id
The study aimed to examine the profitability and find out the production constraints of small-
scale tomato farming. The study was undertaken in Bau-Bau Municipality in Southeast …

[PDF][PDF] Comparative profitability of melon and watermelon production in South Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi

H Saediman, LO Alwi, IS Rianse, SAA Taridala… - WSEAS Trans. Bus …, 2020 - wseas.com
Melon and watermelon are two high-value crops that have been commercially cultivated
recently in Southeast Sulawesi. The objective of the study was to examine and compare the …

Analysis of the Application of Information Technology in the Management of Rural Population Return Based on the Era of Big Data

Z Cai - Journal of Organizational and End User Computing …, 2022 - igi-global.com
Based on rural population return management, governance theory, and information
technology theory, this paper analyzes the specific performance of rural areas in managing …

Assessing major drivers of crop shifting from rice to horticultural production: a case of Landono sub-regency in Southeast Sulawesi

H Saediman, Y Indarsyih, S Abdullah… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Climate change can have adverse impact on rice as it depends much on precipitation and
temperature. In recent years, due partly to climate change, rice farming becomes riskier to …

Rice farmers' adaptation practices to climate change: a case of Konda subdistrict in Southeast Sulawesi

H Saediman, MA Limi, Y Indarsyih… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Climate change can have an adverse impact on rice farming, so farmers might have to apply
adaptation practices to address the impact. This research aimed to determine rice farmers' …

Comparative profitability of small-scale rice and horticultural farming in South Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi

H Saediman, RW Astuti, LO Alwi, M Zani… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Shortages in the national rice supply are attributable to several factors, one of which is crop
shift from rice to other crops. This study aimed to find out the amount of net returns from rice …

[PDF][PDF] Market structure of sago starch in southeast sulawesi, indonesia

H Saediman, H Helviani, LR Said, S Sarinah… - … on Business and …, 2021 - wseas.com
Sago plant produces sago starch, which can be processed into various food and non-food
uses and has high demand in the domestic and international market. However, sago starch …