Game-based science learning: what are the problems with teachers practicing it in class?
A Schabas - Assyfa Learning Journal, 2023 -
Middle school science learning prioritizes class literacy through independent, integrated
learning, only text, without any activity in the learning process. Contemporary literary studies …
learning, only text, without any activity in the learning process. Contemporary literary studies …
Islamic content-based learning: Kindergarten illustrated narrative song" Lulu and Tom"
S Suharsiwi, JT Lestari, S Karim - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
Music education during early life is crucial and has beneficial impacts on the development
and maturation of children during this formative period. Music profoundly impacts young …
and maturation of children during this formative period. Music profoundly impacts young …
Exploring the Shari'ah economic learning model through virtual learning: Initiatives and challenges
N Nursaid, AI Haanurat… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
The success of Sharia economics is contingent upon adhering to the principles of Islamic
economics in all its actions. Because of this, it is essential to get a complete understanding …
economics in all its actions. Because of this, it is essential to get a complete understanding …
Student learning outcomes will" improve" when using counting box media. How significant is the impact of this media?
R Darmayanti, M Fikri… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
The challenges of 21st-century education require students to be proficient in learning,
digitally literate and have a strong character. As the learning process is still teacher …
digitally literate and have a strong character. As the learning process is still teacher …
Vos Viewer and Publish or Perish: Instruction and assistance in using both applications to enable the development of research mapping
Research is the responsibility of students, instructors, and researchers to develop academic
publication and community service skills. The caliber of education provided by an institution …
publication and community service skills. The caliber of education provided by an institution …
Implementasi Amaliyah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Amoral Sebagai Upaya Pembentukan Akhlak Remaja
Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah (Aswaja) hingga saat ini masih menjadi tema pembahasan
yang unik dalam perspektif kajian akademik, sehingga tetap menarik untuk dikaji secara …
yang unik dalam perspektif kajian akademik, sehingga tetap menarik untuk dikaji secara …
Instagram's impact on sharia economic law literacy in the digital age and Indonesia's sharia economy strengthening
AI Haanurat, ASA Vedianty… - Revenue Journal …, 2023 -
The emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has revolutionized information
accessibility, especially through social media platforms such as Instagram. This study …
accessibility, especially through social media platforms such as Instagram. This study …
Project-Based Learning Training and Assistance for Prospective High School Teacher
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, educators were tasked with scouting out fresh approaches
to teaching math. In addition, today's classrooms call for an emphasis on student-centered …
to teaching math. In addition, today's classrooms call for an emphasis on student-centered …
Media pembelajaran pertumbuhan tanaman hidroponik menggunakan demonstrasi dan discovery learning berbasis Aplikasi Canva: Studi Kasus di Era Digital
L Dahliani - Jurnal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, 2024 -
Perangkat seluler Mobile, bila digunakan sebagai alat pelengkap bersama dengan metode
pembelajaran penemuan dan penemuan (juga dikenal sebagai pembelajaran setan-disco) …
pembelajaran penemuan dan penemuan (juga dikenal sebagai pembelajaran setan-disco) …
Identifying and solving Islamic religious education challenges for special needs children
WSS Pandia, A Drew - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2023 -
To achieve strict compliance and devotion to Allah SWT, special needs children must get a
thorough Islamic education. Islam also has Rukhsah, which accommodates labourers who …
thorough Islamic education. Islam also has Rukhsah, which accommodates labourers who …