Game-based science learning: what are the problems with teachers practicing it in class?

A Schabas - Assyfa Learning Journal, 2023 -
Middle school science learning prioritizes class literacy through independent, integrated
learning, only text, without any activity in the learning process. Contemporary literary studies …

Islamic content-based learning: Kindergarten illustrated narrative song" Lulu and Tom"

S Suharsiwi, JT Lestari, S Karim - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
Music education during early life is crucial and has beneficial impacts on the development
and maturation of children during this formative period. Music profoundly impacts young …

Exploring the Shari'ah economic learning model through virtual learning: Initiatives and challenges

N Nursaid, AI Haanurat… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
The success of Sharia economics is contingent upon adhering to the principles of Islamic
economics in all its actions. Because of this, it is essential to get a complete understanding …

Student learning outcomes will" improve" when using counting box media. How significant is the impact of this media?

R Darmayanti, M Fikri… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
The challenges of 21st-century education require students to be proficient in learning,
digitally literate and have a strong character. As the learning process is still teacher …

Vos Viewer and Publish or Perish: Instruction and assistance in using both applications to enable the development of research mapping

T Triono, R Darmayanti, ND Saputra - Jurnal Dedikasi, 2023 -
Research is the responsibility of students, instructors, and researchers to develop academic
publication and community service skills. The caliber of education provided by an institution …

Implementasi Amaliyah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Amoral Sebagai Upaya Pembentukan Akhlak Remaja

MZ Abidin, M Mispani, M Yusuf… - Assyfa Journal of …, 2023 -
Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah (Aswaja) hingga saat ini masih menjadi tema pembahasan
yang unik dalam perspektif kajian akademik, sehingga tetap menarik untuk dikaji secara …

Instagram's impact on sharia economic law literacy in the digital age and Indonesia's sharia economy strengthening

AI Haanurat, ASA Vedianty… - Revenue Journal …, 2023 -
The emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has revolutionized information
accessibility, especially through social media platforms such as Instagram. This study …

Project-Based Learning Training and Assistance for Prospective High School Teacher

U Zahroh, R Darmayanti, C Choirudin… - Jurnal Inovasi Dan …, 2023 -
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, educators were tasked with scouting out fresh approaches
to teaching math. In addition, today's classrooms call for an emphasis on student-centered …

Media pembelajaran pertumbuhan tanaman hidroponik menggunakan demonstrasi dan discovery learning berbasis Aplikasi Canva: Studi Kasus di Era Digital

L Dahliani - Jurnal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, 2024 -
Perangkat seluler Mobile, bila digunakan sebagai alat pelengkap bersama dengan metode
pembelajaran penemuan dan penemuan (juga dikenal sebagai pembelajaran setan-disco) …

Identifying and solving Islamic religious education challenges for special needs children

WSS Pandia, A Drew - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2023 -
To achieve strict compliance and devotion to Allah SWT, special needs children must get a
thorough Islamic education. Islam also has Rukhsah, which accommodates labourers who …