Self injection locked phase locked looped optoelectronic oscillator

AK Poddar, UL Rohde, AS Daryoush - US Patent 9,088,369, 2015 - Google Patents
Aspects of the disclosure relate generally to a circuit for Sustaining an radio frequency (RF)
modulated optical signal. The circuit may comprise a self injection locking component …

Comparison of optical self-phase locked loop techniques for frequency stabilization of oscillators

L Zhang, AK Poddar, UL Rohde… - IEEE Photonics …, 2014 -
Self-phase locked loop (SPLL) through long optical delay lines is investigated for improving
the phase noise of the optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) and the voltage-controlled oscillator …

Analytical and experimental evaluation of SSB phase noise reduction in self-injection locked oscillators using optical delay loops

L Zhang, A Poddar, U Rohde… - IEEE photonics …, 2013 -
A novel forced oscillation technique is discussed for the phase noise reduction of electrical
and optoelectronic oscillators. This paper features self-injection locking using single and …

Self-ILPLL using optical feedback for phase noise reduction in microwave oscillators

L Zhang, AK Poddar, UL Rohde… - IEEE Photonics …, 2014 -
A novel technique-self-injection-locked and phase-locked loop-using an optical feedback is
proposed for phase noise reduction in microwave oscillators. Phase noise reduction of 13 …

A new approach for a phase controlled self-oscillating mixer

XS Zhou, X Zhang, AS Daryoush - IEEE transactions on …, 1997 -
The analytical and experimental demonstration of subharmonic synchronization and phase
shifting of a push-pull self-oscillating mixer is presented for the first time. Inherent high …

Limits in timing jitters of forced microwave oscillator using optical Self-ILPLL

T Sun, L Zhang, AK Poddar, UL Rohde… - IEEE Photonics …, 2016 -
A novel optical feedback technique using self-injection locked and phase locked loop
(SILPLL) is employed for phase noise reduction of free-running microwave oscillators …

Integrated production of self injection locked self phase loop locked optoelectronic oscillator

AK Poddar, UL Rohde, AS Daryoush - US Patent 9,094,133, 2015 - Google Patents
The present invention details fabrication guidelines of inte grated optoelectronic oscillators
with frequency and phase stability, having higher frequency selectivity in a relatively Small …

Multi-mode lasers for self-forced opto-electronic oscillators in compact frequency synthesizers

AS Daryoush, T Sun - IEEE Journal of Microwaves, 2021 -
Advanced telecommunication, imaging, and remote sensing systems require reliable ultra-
high stability local oscillators. Particularly, coherent detection of digital data signals relies on …

An efficient self-oscillating mixer for communications

X Zhou, AS Daryoush - IEEE transactions on microwave theory …, 1994 -
The optical control of the distributed electronics in phased array antennas requires
specialized circuits which are compatible with the T/R level data mixing architecture. This …

A new measurement approach for phase noise at close-in offset frequencies of free-running oscillators

X Zhang, BJ Rizzi, J Kramer - IEEE transactions on microwave …, 1996 -
This paper presents a new measurement approach which has been developed as a
practical method for quick, accurate and low cost measurements of close-in offset phase …