Tissue mimicking materials for imaging and therapy phantoms: a review

CK McGarry, LJ Grattan, AM Ivory, F Leek… - Physics in Medicine …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Tissue mimicking materials (TMMs), typically contained within phantoms, have been used
for many decades in both imaging and therapeutic applications. This review investigates the …

Hyperelastic modelling of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations

TC Gasser, RW Ogden… - Journal of the royal …, 2006 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Constitutive relations are fundamental to the solution of problems in continuum mechanics,
and are required in the study of, for example, mechanically dominated clinical interventions …

Chameleon-like elastomers with molecularly encoded strain-adaptive stiffening and coloration

M Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani, AN Keith, Y Cong… - Science, 2018 - science.org
Active camouflage is widely recognized as a soft-tissue feature, and yet the ability to
integrate adaptive coloration and tissuelike mechanical properties into synthetic materials …

Biomechanical properties and microstructure of human ventricular myocardium

G Sommer, AJ Schriefl, M Andrä, M Sacherer… - Acta biomaterialia, 2015 - Elsevier
In the multidisciplinary field of heart research it is of utmost importance to identify accurate
myocardium material properties for the description of phenomena such as mechano-electric …

Determination of layer-specific mechanical properties of human coronary arteries with nonatherosclerotic intimal thickening and related constitutive modeling

GA Holzapfel, G Sommer… - American Journal of …, 2005 - journals.physiology.org
At autopsy, 13 nonstenotic human left anterior descending coronary arteries [71.5±7.3
(mean±SD) yr old] were harvested, and related anamnesis was documented …

Determination of the layer-specific distributed collagen fibre orientations in human thoracic and abdominal aortas and common iliac arteries

AJ Schriefl, G Zeindlinger… - Journal of the …, 2012 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The established method of polarized microscopy in combination with a universal stage is
used to determine the layer-specific distributed collagen fibre orientations in 11 human non …

Brain tissue deforms similarly to filled elastomers and follows consolidation theory

G Franceschini, D Bigoni, P Regitnig… - Journal of the Mechanics …, 2006 - Elsevier
Slow, large deformations of human brain tissue—accompanying cranial vault deformation
induced by positional plagiocephaly, occurring during hydrocephalus, and in the …

A length scale insensitive anisotropic phase field fracture model for hyperelastic composites

TK Mandal, VP Nguyen, JY Wu - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2020 - Elsevier
Fracture of composites consisting of isotropic matrix and anisotropic fibers is an essential
problem in many engineering applications. The computational simulation of such a fracture …

[HTML][HTML] A polyconvex framework for soft biological tissues. Adjustment to experimental data

D Balzani, P Neff, J Schröder, GA Holzapfel - International journal of solids …, 2006 - Elsevier
The main goal of this contribution is to provide a simple method for constructing transversely
isotropic polyconvex functions suitable for the description of biological soft tissues. The …

Determination of material models for arterial walls from uniaxial extension tests and histological structure

GA Holzapfel - Journal of theoretical biology, 2006 - Elsevier
An approach is proposed that allows the determination of material models from uniaxial tests
and histostructural data including fiber orientation of the tissue. A combination of neo …