Towards an understanding of change types in bug fixing code
Context As developing high quality software becomes increasingly challenging because of
the explosive growth of scale and complexity, bugs become inevitable in software systems …
the explosive growth of scale and complexity, bugs become inevitable in software systems …
[PDF][PDF] Test-driven fault navigation for debugging reproducible failures
M Perscheid - 2013 -
The correction of software failures tends to be very cost-intensive because their debugging
is an often time-consuming development activity. During this activity, developers largely …
is an often time-consuming development activity. During this activity, developers largely …
[PDF][PDF] Test-driven Fault Navigation for Debugging Reproducible Failures
M Perscheid -
The correction of software failures tends to be very cost-intensive because their debugging
is an often time-consuming development activity. During this activity, developers largely …
is an often time-consuming development activity. During this activity, developers largely …
[HTML][HTML] Demonstrating Test-driven Fault Navigation
M Perscheid - Proceedings of the 6th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI …, 2013 -
In this paper, we present a demonstration of our test-driven fault navigation approach. This
interconnected guide for debugging reproducible failures analyzes failurereproducing test …
interconnected guide for debugging reproducible failures analyzes failurereproducing test …
[PDF][PDF] Software Architecture Group Hasso-Plattner-Institut michael. perscheid@ hpi. uni-potsdam. de
M Perscheid -
In this paper, we present a demonstration of our test-driven fault navigation approach. This
interconnected guide for debugging reproducible failures analyzes failurereproducing test …
interconnected guide for debugging reproducible failures analyzes failurereproducing test …
[PDF][PDF] Grants and Contrats
M Banâtre, C Consel, JP Verjus, JP Banâtre, M Banâtre - 2007 - Citeseer
Curriculum Vitae Page 1 Curriculum Vitae July 2013 Gilles Muller Senior Research
Scientist INRIA/LIP6 Boîte courrier 169 4 Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Tel …
Scientist INRIA/LIP6 Boîte courrier 169 4 Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE Tel …