
冉将军, 闫政文, 吴云龙, 钟敏, 肖云… - … Science of Wuhan …, 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
近20 年来, 利用重力卫星研究地球系统的质量分布得到了广泛的发展, 使人类对发生在大气,
水圈, 海洋, 极地冰盖等地球圈层的动态过程有了更为深刻的理解. 现阶段重力卫星主要包括挑战 …

Progress and prospect of GRACE Mascon product and its application

Z Lan, S Wenke - Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 2022 - sjdz.org.cn
The success of the launch of GRACE in 2002 has greatly promoted the development of
Earth Science, especially in many fields such as global sea level change, polar ice sheet …

Comparison of data‐driven techniques to reconstruct (1992–2002) and predict (2017–2018) GRACE‐like gridded total water storage changes using climate inputs

F Li, J Kusche, R Rietbroek, Z Wang… - Water Resources …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission ended its
operation in October 2017, and the GRACE Follow‐On mission was launched only in May …

重力卫星GRACE Mascon 产品的应用研究进展与展望

张岚, 孙文科 - 地球与行星物理论评, 2022 - sjdz.org.cn
2002 年重力卫星GRACE 的成功发射极大地促进了地球科学多个领域, 包括全球海平面变化,
极地冰盖与高山冰川消融, 水文以及固体地球等多个领域的发展. 然而, GRACE …

Joint inversion of GNSS and GRACE/GFO data for terrestrial water storage changes in the Yangtze River Basin

X Li, B Zhong, J Li, R Liu - Geophysical Journal International, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Satellite geodetic technologies, such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS),
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (GFO), have …

Evaluation of evapotranspiration for exorheic basins in China using an improved estimate of terrestrial water storage change

H Bai, Z Ming, Y Zhong, M Zhong, D Kong, B Ji - Journal of Hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the global water cycle, but basin-scale ET
is often difficult to accurately estimate. Due to the limitations of the temporal resolution of the …

[HTML][HTML] 基于Slepian 方法和地面重力观测确定时变重力场模型: 以2011—2013 年华北地区数据为例

韩建成, 陈石, 卢红艳, 徐伟民 - 地球物理学报, 2021 - html.rhhz.net
时变重力场是研究地球系统内部物质运动和时空演化过程的有效途径. 目前广泛使用的GRACE
时变重力场模型受限于其空间分辨率(约400 km), 难以探测较小空间尺度的重力变化 …

[HTML][HTML] Human-induced and climate-driven contributions to water storage variations in the Haihe River Basin, China

Y Zhong, W Feng, V Humphrey, M Zhong - Remote Sensing, 2019 - mdpi.com
Terrestrial water storage (TWS) can be influenced by both climate change and
anthropogenic activities. While the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of evapotranspiration for exorheic catchments of China during the GRACE era: From a water balance perspective

Y Zhong, M Zhong, Y Mao, B Ji - Remote Sensing, 2020 - mdpi.com
Evapotranspiration (ET) is usually difficult to estimate at the regional scale due to scarce
direct measurements. This study uses the water balance equation to calculate the regional …

Characterization of the hydro-geological regime of Yangtze River basin using remotely-sensed and modeled products

VG Ferreira, B Yong, MJ Tourian… - Science of the Total …, 2020 - Elsevier
The hydrology of the Third Pole, Asia's freshwater tower, has shown considerable sensitivity
to the impacts of climate change and human interventions, which affect the headwaters of …