Firm exit and armed conflict in Colombia

A Camacho, C Rodriguez - Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2013 -
This article uses two unique panel data sets to study the causal effect that armed conflict has
over firm exit in Colombia. Using a fixed-effect estimation methodology at the plant level and …

Endogenous taxation in ongoing internal conflict: The case of Colombia

R Ch, J Shapiro, A Steele, JF Vargas - American Political Science …, 2018 -
Recent empirical evidence suggests an ambiguous relationship between internal conflicts,
state capacity, and tax performance. In theory, internal conflict should create strong …

Empirical issues in the homicide-income inequality argument

C Vilalta, E Cadena, G Fondevila… - Crime & …, 2023 -
The argument that income inequality increases homicide rates has provoked scholarly
debate, with some studies not supporting this position and providing evidence to the …

[PDF][PDF] Crecimiento, conflicto armado y crimen organizado: Evidencia para Colombia

E Villa, M Moscoso, J Restrepo - Vniversitas económica, 2012 -
Encontramos que la elasticidad estimada del logaritmo del PIB departamental con respecto
al conflicto armado (medido como la proporción del ingreso departamental que se pierde …

The economic costs of a secessionist conflict: The case of catalonia

A Esteller-Moré, L Rizzo - Defence and Peace Economics, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Due to the pro-independence demands of part of its electorate, the political fit of Catalonia
within Spain has given rise to notable political tensions over the last few years. This conflict …

[HTML][HTML] Violence in Mexico: An economic rationale of crime and its impacts

EL Kato Vidal - EconoQuantum, 2015 -
Violence has been identified as an obstacle to economic growth in Mexico, and the purpose
of this article is to 1) explain the high rate of homicide in Mexico and 2) estimate the impact …

[HTML][HTML] State fragility, violence and trade: Dangerous trade routes in Colombia

PH Jung, JC Thill, LA Galvis-Aponte - Papers in Regional Science, 2024 - Elsevier
We investigate the effect of domestic armed violence brought about by insecurity on the
geography of freight mobility and the resulting differential access of regions to global …

Kolombiya-Farc barış süreci: Bir çatışma analizi

H Çalışır - 2019 -
Özet Latin Amerika'nın önemli ülkelerinden Kolombiya uzun yıllar çatışmalar ülkesi olarak
anılmıştır. Geçtiğimiz yüzyılda ülke içerisinde Liberaller ve Muhafazakarlar arasında şiddetli …

[PDF][PDF] How forced displacement flows affect public good contributions: The social consequences of conflict in Colombia

A Hopfensitz, J Miquel-Florensa - Toulouse School of Economics, 2015 -
Low intensity armed conflict is usually related to population displacement, altering networks
and social capital in affected regions. With an incentivized questionnaire performed in the …

Goal and strategies of an insurgent group: Violent and non-violent actions

A Zambrano, H Zuleta - … Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2017 -
We model the strategy of an insurgent group that follows a pattern of prolonged popular war
but negotiates with the government. The main results of the model are the following:(i) If the …