[HTML][HTML] Evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of design methods: A systematic review and assessment framework

P Cash, J Daalhuizen, P Hekkert - Design Studies, 2023 - Elsevier
Highlights•Identifies a critical 'chain of evidence'supporting the proposal of a design
method.•Describes five key links in this chain from motivation to claims.•Proposes a …

Impact of design thinking in higher education: a multi-actor perspective on problem solving and creativity

S Guaman-Quintanilla, P Everaert, K Chiluiza… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
This study investigates the effects of using design thinking on students' problem solving and
creativity skills, applying a constructivist learning theory. A course where students use …

A Review of Existing Ecological Design Frameworks Enabling Biodiversity Inclusive Design

C Hernandez-Santin, M Amati, S Bekessy, C Desha - Urban Science, 2022 - mdpi.com
Built environment practitioners currently seek options and opportunities to respond to the
biodiversity emergency. Biodiversity Inclusive Design (BID) is an approach to design that …

A global study of innovation-oriented firms: Dimensions, practices, and performance

GA Wilson, T Case, CB Dobni - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2023 - Elsevier
Innovation orientation research has accumulated, with most studies examining its
relationship with performance in select countries or regions. The research stream is evolving …

[HTML][HTML] Advancing purchasing as a design science: Publication guidelines to shift towards more relevant purchasing research

R Stange, H Schiele, J Henseler - Journal of Purchasing and Supply …, 2022 - Elsevier
Due to rapidly changing business environments, purchasing and supply management
(PSM) organisations are constantly confronted with new problems impacting organisational …

Software product management

HB Kittlaus, SA Fricker - Berlin: SpringerVerlag GmbH Germany, 2017 - Springer
Software Product Management Page 1 Software Product Management Hans-Bernd Kittlaus
The ISPMA®-Compliant Study Guide and Handbook 2nd Edition Page 2 Software Product …

Penguatan Pemasaran Digital UMKM Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking (Studi Kasus: UMKM Keripik Cap Rumah Adat Minang, UD Rezeki Baru)

EYR Pardede, M Simanjuntak - Jurnal Studi Manajemen …, 2022 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
UMKM merupakan usaha perdagangan yang dikelola oleh perorangan ataupun badan
usaha dan sesuai dengan kriteria usaha dalam lingkup mikro, kecil atau menengah …

Fostering teamwork through design thinking: Evidence from a multi-actor perspective

S Guaman-Quintanilla, P Everaert, K Chiluiza… - Education …, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study examines the effects of a design thinking intervention on first-year students'
teamwork skills from a multi-actor perspective. A design thinking course was evaluated …

To improve quality, leverage design

B Crowe, JS Gaulton, N Minor, DA Asch… - BMJ Quality & …, 2022 - qualitysafety.bmj.com
The year was 1987, and a bold experiment was under way—the US-based National
Demonstration Project in Quality Improvement in Health Care (NDP). This effort brought …

Using human-centered design to develop a program to engage South African men living with HIV in care and treatment

C Bruns - Global Health: Science and Practice, 2021 - ghspjournal.org
Background: Although HIV care is widely available in South Africa, men are less likely than
women to know their HIV status, begin treatment upon diagnosis, and adhere to treatment …