Optimizing the length of computerized adaptive testing for the force concept inventory

J Yasuda, N Mae, MM Hull, M Taniguchi - Physical review physics education …, 2021 - APS
As a method to shorten the test time of the Force Concept Inventory (FCI), we suggest the
use of computerized adaptive testing (CAT). CAT is the process of administering a test on a …


MT Udriștioiu - TENDINȚE ACTUALE ÎN DIDACTICA ȘTIINȚELOR …, 2023 - ibn.idsi.md
Over the last several decades, research has been conducted in the United States to better
understand how teaching strategies affect student learning outcomes in introductory college …

[PDF][PDF] Student perceptions of pre-assessments:“It's basically just guessing anyways.”

SE Allen, AML Phillips, RF Kizilcec - Physics Education Research …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Pre-assessments, such as the Force Concept Inventory [1], are common research tools in
higher education, but they are rarely the topic of research themselves. The FCI and other …

Implicarea interactivă în predare

D AMARIE, MT UDRIȘTIOIU - 2023 - dir.upsc.md
Over the last several decades, research has been conducted in the United States to better
understand how teaching strategies affect student learning outcomes in introductory college …

Implicarea interactivă în predare

MT Udristioiu, D Amarie - Instruire prin cercetare pentru o societate …, 2023 - ibn.idsi.md
Over the last several decades, research has been conducted in the United States to better
understand how teaching strategies affect student learning outcomes in introductory college …