Metadata schemas and ontologies for building energy applications: A critical review and use case analysis
Digital and intelligent buildings are critical to realizing efficient building energy operations
and a smart grid. With the increasing digitalization of processes throughout the life cycle of …
and a smart grid. With the increasing digitalization of processes throughout the life cycle of …
An overview of data tools for representing and managing building information and performance data
Building information modeling (BIM) has been widely adopted for representing and
exchanging building data across disciplines during building design and construction …
exchanging building data across disciplines during building design and construction …
An ontology-based methodology to establish city information model of digital twin city by merging BIM, GIS and IoT
J Shi, Z Pan, L Jiang, X Zhai - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023 - Elsevier
With the development of digital city and smart city construction, the City Information Model
(CIM) has played a critical role as a container of spatial–temporal data to establish the …
(CIM) has played a critical role as a container of spatial–temporal data to establish the …
Brick: Metadata schema for portable smart building applications
Buildings account for 32% of worldwide energy usage. A new regime of exciting new
“applications” that span a distributed fabric of sensors, actuators and humans has emerged …
“applications” that span a distributed fabric of sensors, actuators and humans has emerged …
Brick: Towards a unified metadata schema for buildings
Commercial buildings have long since been a primary target for applications from a number
of areas: from cyber-physical systems to building energy use to improved human …
of areas: from cyber-physical systems to building energy use to improved human …
CIoT-Net: a scalable cognitive IoT based smart city network architecture
In the recent era, artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to support numerous solutions for
human beings, such as healthcare, autonomous transportation, and so on. Cognitive …
human beings, such as healthcare, autonomous transportation, and so on. Cognitive …
Ontologies and Semantic Web for the Internet of Things-a survey
I Szilagyi, P Wira - IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the …, 2016 -
The reality of Internet of Things (IoT), with its growing number of devices and their diversity is
challenging current approaches and technologies for a smarter integration of their data …
challenging current approaches and technologies for a smarter integration of their data …
[PDF][PDF] Design of an effective ontology and query processor enabling portable building applications
G Fierro - … Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of …, 2019 -
The US Department of Energy reports that commercial buildings constituted 47% of all
energy consumed in the US in 2017 [107]. On average, 30% of this energy is wasted [34] …
energy consumed in the US in 2017 [107]. On average, 30% of this energy is wasted [34] …
Materializing the promises of cognitive IoT: How cognitive buildings are shaping the way
J Ploennigs, A Ba, M Barry - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017 -
Relatively tiny examples have demonstrated the potential of cognitive IoT (CIoT) in its full-
stack, namely, semantic modeling, learning and reasoning over sensors data, and machine …
stack, namely, semantic modeling, learning and reasoning over sensors data, and machine …
Building management insights driven by a multi-system semantic representation approach
C El Kaed, B Leida, T Gray - 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on …, 2016 -
The Internet-of-Things paradigm has brought exciting opportunities to increase productivity
and efficiency but also customer experiences. Thus, IoT promoted both the interconnectivity …
and efficiency but also customer experiences. Thus, IoT promoted both the interconnectivity …