Determinants of intellectual capital disclosure: evidence from India

B Kamath - Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 2017 -
Purpose This paper aims at exploring the extent and determinants of intellectual capital
disclosure (ICD) in India. Design/methodology/approach Content of annual reports of 200 …

The main factors affecting the entry of SMEs into bio-based industry

E Jernström, V Karvonen, T Kässi, A Kraslawski… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2017 - Elsevier
There is increasing interest in the development of a bio-based economy in Europe with
decreased profitability and sustainability of materials as driving forces. The research is a …

Value creation of intellectual capital: Financial performance analyses in indonesian publicly-listed consumer goods industry

E Feimianti, SPD Anantadjaya - RIBER: Review of Integrated …, 2014 -
A paradigm to knowledge-based economy has encouraged companies to increase their
quality of employees to respond to the market transformation. Employees are often forgotten …

[PDF][PDF] Leveraging teamwork by Google+ in a lifelong learning perspective

S Leone, G Biancofiore - Knowledge Management & E …, 2015 -
The current affordances of ubiquitous global connections, of a large number of open
resources, and of social and professional networks may boost innovation in open-minded …

Intelektualni kapital–razmatranje njegove važnosti i mogućnosti mjerenja u oružanim snagama

J Petrović - … : Znanstveni časopis Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta" Dr …, 2018 -
Sažetak U članku se analiziraju definicije, koncepti i modeli različitih tipova intelektualnog
kapitala te spoznaje o metodama njegovog vrednovanja u profitnim i neprofitnim …

Bioeconomy-based food industry of Serbia: The role of intellectual capital

G Dobrijević, JĐ Boljanović, F Đoković… - Економика …, 2019 -
The aim of this exploratory study was to determine most useful indicators of intellectual
capital in Serbian food industry. The study investigated managers' perceptions of indicator …

[PDF][PDF] Strategic intellectual capital management: case study in the banking and financial services sector in Zimbabwe.

KE Kehle - 2016 -
In today's dynamic and competitive business environment, one way organisations can
achieve and sustain competitive advantages is through the leveraging of valuable …

[PDF][PDF] Knowledge Management & E-Learning

S Leone, G Biancofiore - 2015 -
The current affordances of ubiquitous global connections, of a large number of open
resources, and of social and professional networks may boost innovation in open-minded …

[PDF][PDF] Una reflexión sobre la relación existente entre el capital intelectual y la propiedad intelectual en el marco de la empresa

CMB González -
De acuerdo con los autores consultados, el capital intelectual, definido desde la perspectiva
estratégica, es el conjunto de conocimientos que poseen las organizaciones y que generan …

Big Data, tietopääoma ja organisaation suorituskyky

K Kaisamatti - 2016 -
Tutkimus käsittelee Big Datan, tietopääoman ja organisaation suorituskyvyn välisiä
yhteyksiä. Tavoitteena on selvittää Big Datan vaikutuksia tietopääomaan ja …