Absolute identification by relative judgment.

N Stewart, GDA Brown, N Chater - Psychological review, 2005 - psycnet.apa.org
In unidimensional absolute identification tasks, participants identify stimuli that vary along a
single dimension. Performance is surprisingly poor compared with discrimination of the …

Quantifying the effect of intertrial dependence on perceptual decisions

I Fründ, FA Wichmann, JH Macke - Journal of vision, 2014 - jov.arvojournals.org
In the perceptual sciences, experimenters study the causal mechanisms of perceptual
systems by probing observers with carefully constructed stimuli. It has long been known …

Psychophysics and the judgment of price: Judging complex objects on a non-physical dimension elicits sequential effects like those in perceptual tasks

WJ Matthews, N Stewart - Judgment and Decision Making, 2009 - cambridge.org
When participants in psychophysical experiments are asked to estimate or identify stimuli
which differ on a single physical dimension, their judgments are influenced by the local …

A variational model for context-driven effects in perception and cognition

G Gronchi, E Provenzi - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
Starting with a computational analysis of brightness matching, we develop a novel
variational framework able to model perceptual context-driven effects that may be extended …

Learning in a unidimensional absolute identification task

JN Rouder, RD Morey, N Cowan, M Pealtz - Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2004 - Springer
We tested whether there is long-term learning in the absolute identification of line lengths.
Line lengths are unidimensional stimuli, and there is a common belief that learning of these …

Higher order sequential effects in psychophysical judgments

P Petzold, G Haubensak - Perception & Psychophysics, 2001 - Springer
We found that the depth of sequential effects depends on the judgment task. An experiment
with squares indicated that stimulus-response pairs up to two trials back were included in …

A model of positive sequential dependencies in judgments of frequency

J Annis, KJ Malmberg - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2013 - Elsevier
Positive sequential dependencies occur when the response on the current trial n is
positively correlated with the response on trial n− 1. They are observed in a Judgment of …

Contrast and assimilation in categorization and exemplar production

V Zotov, MN Jones, DJK Mewhort - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2011 - Springer
We studied contrast and assimilation in three tasks: an exemplar-production task, a
categorization task, and a combined categorization-then-production task. On each trial of the …

The effect of interstimulus interval on sequential effects in absolute identification

WJ Matthews, N Stewart - Quarterly journal of experimental …, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
In absolute identification experiments, the participant is asked to identify stimuli drawn from a
small set of items which differ on a single physical dimension (eg, 10 tones which vary in …

[图书][B] Relational psychophysics in humans and animals: A comparative-developmental approach

V Sarris - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
Relational Psychophysics in Humans and Animals offers a comprehensive and integrated
overview of the often fragmented field of psychophysics. It introduces key concepts in …