[PDF][PDF] Analisis kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP

L Nuryanti, S Zubaidah, M Diantoro - 2018 - researchgate.net
The ability to think critically must be owned by the student in order to face various personal
and social problems in his life. The ability to think critically is the ability to think reflectively …

Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in terms of gender using science teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle integrated with local wisdom

A Ramdani, AW Jufri, G Gunawan… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 - journal.unnes.ac.id
Critical thinking is an important thing in building learners' knowledge. Students who have
these skills will be able to solve problems effectively. This study examines the effect of …

Analisis kebutuhan pengembangan bahan ajar ipa terpadu bermuatan literasi era digital untuk pembelajaran siswa SMP kelas VIII

A Asrizal, F Festiyed, R Sumarmin - Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan …, 2017 - jep.ppj.unp.ac.id
Science learning should be able to develop the ability to think, to work, to use tools, and to
live in the world for students. Integrated Science learning and integration of digital age …

The Development of Web-Based Learning Using Interactive Media for Science Learning on Levers in Human Body Topic.

L Astuti, Y Wihardi, D Rochintaniawati - Journal of Science Learning, 2020 - ERIC
Integrated curriculum is a popular way to develop 21st-century skills, but most of the
materials are written on the books separately. Furthermore, web-based learning is an online …

Membangun kemampuan berfikir matematika tingkat tinggi melalui pendekatan induktif, deduktif dan induktif-deduktif dalam pembelajaran matematika

W Winarso - EduMa: Mathematics education learning and …, 2014 - syekhnurjati.ac.id
Pendidikan diera globalitas memberikan tantangan bagi pendidik untuk meningkatkan
kualitas pembelajaran. Upaya yang perlu dilakukan salah satunya yaitu perubahan cara …

Keefektifan lembar kerja siswa berbasis inkuiri untuk menumbuhkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi

D Purnamawati, C Ertikanto… - … Pendidikan Fisika Al …, 2017 - repository.lppm.unila.ac.id
This research is intended to know the effectiveness of worksheet based on an inquiry to
grow the higher order thinking on temperature and heat. The design which is used in this …

Karakter Peduli Sosial: Komparasi Modul Elektronik dan Paper Modul Kearifan Lokal Ngubat Padi di Sekolah Dasar

A Asrial, S Syahrial, DA Kurniawan… - … dan Corporate Social …, 2021 - prosiding-pkmcsr.org
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan penerapan modul cetak dan modul
elektronik untuk melihat indikator karakter peduli sosial. Jenis penelitian ini adalah …

The Effect of a Problem Centered Learning on Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking.

LP Apriliana, I Handayani, SA Awalludin - Journal of Research and Advances …, 2019 - ERIC
Since Indonesian students' critical thinking skills in junior high school is still in unexpected
level, it should be improved through teaching and learning process. The objective of the …

[PDF][PDF] Profil kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VIII SMP pada mata pelajaran IPA

AT Kartika, L Eftiwin, MF Lubis, A Walid - Jurnal Riset Teknologi dan …, 2020 - academia.edu
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis
siswa SMP pada mata pelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan …

Interactive e-book of physics to increase students' creative thinking skills on rotational dynamics concept

R Adawiyah, A Harjono, G Gunawan… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We have developed an interactive e-book on the rotational dynamics concepts. An ebook
contains contents such as printed textbooks, with the images, animation, and video. The …