Trip-based graph partitioning in dynamic ridesharing

A Tafreshian, N Masoud - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging …, 2020 - Elsevier
A dynamic ridesharing system is a platform that connects drivers who use their personal
vehicles to travel with riders who are in need of transportation, on a short notice. Since each …

[HTML][HTML] On coresets for fair clustering in metric and euclidean spaces and their applications

S Bandyapadhyay, FV Fomin, K Simonov - Journal of Computer and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Fair clustering is a constrained clustering problem where we need to partition a set of
colored points. The fraction of points of each color in every cluster should be more or less …

On the fixed-parameter tractability of capacitated clustering

V Cohen-Addad, J Li - arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.14129, 2022 -
We study the complexity of the classic capacitated k-median and k-means problems
parameterized by the number of centers, k. These problems are notoriously difficult since the …

FPT constant-approximations for capacitated clustering to minimize the sum of cluster radii

S Bandyapadhyay, W Lochet, S Saurabh - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07923, 2023 -
Clustering with capacity constraints is a fundamental problem that attracted significant
attention throughout the years. In this paper, we give the first FPT constant-factor …

Constant factor FPT approximation for capacitated k-median

M Adamczyk, J Byrka, J Marcinkowski… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2018 -
Capacitated k-median is one of the few outstanding optimization problems for which the
existence of a polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm remains an open …

Constant Approximation for Capacitated -Median with -Capacity Violation

G Demirci, S Li - arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.02324, 2016 -
We study the Capacitated k-Median problem for which existing constant-factor
approximation algorithms are all pseudo-approximations that violate either the capacities or …

Bi-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Hard Capacitated k-Median Problems

J Byrka, K Fleszar, B Rybicki, J Spoerhase - … of the twenty-sixth annual ACM …, 2014 - SIAM
In the classical k-median problem the goal is to select a subset of at most k facilities in order
to minimize the total cost of opened facilities and established connections between clients …

Approximation schemes for capacitated clustering in doubling metrics

V Cohen-Addad - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2020 - SIAM
We consider the classic uniform capacitated k-median and uniform capacitated k-means
problems in bounded doubling metrics. We provide the first QPTAS for both problems and …

FPT Approximation for Constrained Metric -Median/Means

D Goyal, R Jaiswal, A Kumar - arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.11773, 2020 -
The Metric $ k $-median problem over a metric space $(\mathcal {X}, d) $ is defined as
follows: given a set $ L\subseteq\mathcal {X} $ of facility locations and a set …

Capacitated sum-of-radii clustering: An FPT approximation

T Inamdar, K Varadarajan - 28th Annual European Symposium …, 2020 -
In sum of radii clustering, the input consists of a finite set of points in a metric space. The
problem asks to place a set of k balls centered at a subset of the points such that every point …