[PDF][PDF] Turistični podmladek šole–izziv za nadarjene učence in mentorja Tourist School Youth–A Challenge for Gifted Pupils and a Mentor
R Višnar - EDUvision 2020 - academia.edu
Veliko je načinov, kako uspešno motivirati učence. V članku je predstavljeno delo z
nadarjenimi učenci pri projektu Turizmu pomaga lastna glava. S tem projektom učenci ob …
nadarjenimi učenci pri projektu Turizmu pomaga lastna glava. S tem projektom učenci ob …
[引用][C] Spodbudno učno okolje za učence, nadarjene na matematičnem področju: magistrsko delo
N Cepuš - 2021 - repozitorij.upr.si
In the master's thesis, we present a stimulating learning environment for gifted students in
the field of mathematics which represents one of the key elements for achieving optimal …
the field of mathematics which represents one of the key elements for achieving optimal …
[引用][C] Prepoznavanje in omogočanje razvijanja nadarjenosti in talentiranosti v osnovni šoli
K Rešek - 2023 - repozitorij.upr.si
The thesis entitled Recognizing and Promoting Giftedness and Talent in Primary School
takes a closer look at the area of giftedness and talent in elementary school students. The …
takes a closer look at the area of giftedness and talent in elementary school students. The …
[引用][C] Računalniško mišljenje in proces zgodnjega odkrivanja potencialno nadarjenih učencev: magistrsko delo
S Lunka - 2021 - repozitorij.upr.si
In the master's thesis titled Computational thinking and the process of early detection of
potentially gifted students we talk about computer science and the giftedness of primary …
potentially gifted students we talk about computer science and the giftedness of primary …