Recent developments in Wintgen inequality and Wintgen ideal submanifolds

BY Chen - International Electronic Journal of Geometry, 2021 -
P. Wintgen proved in Sur l'inégalité de Chen-Willmore. CR Acad. Sci. Paris 288, 993–995
(1979) that the Gauss curvature G and the normal curvature K^D of a surface in the …

A study of Wintgen like inequality for submanifolds in statistical warped product manifolds

C Murathan, B Şahin - Journal of Geometry, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we study statistical manifolds and their submanifolds. We first construct two
new examples of statistical warped product manifolds and give a method how to construct …

Generalized Wintgen inequality for statistical submanifolds in statistical manifolds of constant curvature

ME Aydin, A Mihai, I Mihai - Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 2017 - Springer
The Wintgen inequality (1979) is a sharp geometric inequality for surfaces in the 4-
dimensional Euclidean space involving the Gauss curvature (intrinsic invariant) and the …

[HTML][HTML] Classification of Casorati ideal Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms

M Aquib, JW Lee, GE Vîlcu, DW Yoon - Differential Geometry and its …, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, using optimization methods on Riemannian submanifolds, we establish two
improved inequalities for generalized normalized δ-Casorati curvatures of Lagrangian …

On the generalized Wintgen inequality for Legendrian submanifolds in Sasakian space forms

I Mihai - Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series, 2017 -
The generalized Wintgen inequality was conjectured by De Smet, Dillen, Verstraelen and
Vrancken in 1999 for submanifolds in real space forms. It is also known as the DDVV …

Inequalities for Casorati curvatures of submanifolds in real space forms

P Zhang, L Zhang - Advances in Geometry, 2016 -
Using Oprea's optimization methods on submanifolds, we give another proof of the
inequalities relating the normalized δ-Casoraticurvature δ^ c (n− 1) for submanifolds in real …

[PDF][PDF] On totally real statistical submanifolds

AN Siddiqui, MH Shahid - Filomat, 2018 -
In the present paper, first we prove some results by using fundamental properties of totally
real statistical submanifolds immersed into holomorphic statistical manifolds. Further, we …

Curvature Inequalities for Slant Submanifolds in Pointwise Kenmotsu Space Forms

GE Vîlcu - Contact Geometry of Slant Submanifolds, 2022 - Springer
Curvature Inequalities for Slant Submanifolds in Pointwise Kenmotsu Space Forms |
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Wintgen inequality for statistical submanifolds in statistical manifolds of constant curvature

J Wan, Z Xie - Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-), 2023 - Springer
For submanifolds of general dimension and codimension in statistical manifolds of constant
curvature, a sharp inequality of Wintgen type is given by us. It generalizes the inequality …

Generalized Wintgen inequality for slant submanifolds in metallic Riemannian space forms

MA Choudhary, AM Blaga - Journal of Geometry, 2021 - Springer
Generalized Wintgen inequality for slant submanifolds in metallic Riemannian space forms |
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