Representing preferences with a unique subjective state space

E Dekel, BL Lipman, A Rustichini - Econometrica, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
We extend Kreps'(1979) analysis of preference for flexibility, reinterpreted by Kreps (1992)
as a model of unforeseen contingencies. We enrich the choice set, consequently obtaining …

Fact-free learning

E Aragones, I Gilboa, A Postlewaite… - American Economic …, 2005 -
People may be surprised to notice certain regularities that hold in existing knowledge they
have had for some time. That is, they may learn without getting new factual information. We …

[PDF][PDF] Some microfoundations of collective wisdom

L Hong, SE Page - Collective wisdom, 2012 -
Collective wisdom refers to the ability of a population or group of individuals to make an
accurate forecast of a future outcome or an accurate characterization of a current outcome …

Correlation misperception in choice

A Ellis, M Piccione - American Economic Review, 2017 -
We present a decision-theoretic analysis of an agent's understanding of the
interdependencies in her choices. We provide the foundations for a simple and flexible …

Complexity and sophistication

L Carvalho, D Silverman - 2019 -
Many financial situations present individuals with simple alternatives to solving complex
problems. The value of these alternatives depends on whether individuals are sophisticated …

Interpreted and generated signals

L Hong, S Page - Journal of Economic Theory, 2009 - Elsevier
Private information is typically modeled as signals. A joint probability distribution captures
relationships between signals and between signals and relevant variables. In this paper, we …

Undescribable events

NI Al-Najjar, L Anderlini, L Felli - The Review of Economic …, 2006 -
We develop a model of undescribable events. Examples of events that are well understood
by economic agents but are prohibitively difficult to describe in advance abound in real life …

Trust and incentives in agency

R Casadesus-Masanell, DF Spulber - S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ, 2005 - HeinOnline
The demise of Enron, the largest bankruptcy in United States history, raised fundamental
questions about the role of trust in agency relationships. The corporate collapse cast doubts …

[图书][B] Individual randomness in economic models with a continuum of agents

C Alós-Ferrer - 1998 - Citeseer
This paper studies measurable processes modeling a continuum of random variables such
that individual uncertainty cancels out exactly at the aggregate level (in the sense of a strong …

[HTML][HTML] Субъективные представления россиян о жизненной успешности

НА Деева - Национальный психологический журнал, 2022 -
Актуальность. Для современного мира важен поиск новой рациональности и уход от
однолинейной модели развития. Появляется феномен «сложного социума», в котором …