Prediction-based multi-agent reinforcement learning in inherently non-stationary environments

A Marinescu, I Dusparic, S Clarke - ACM Transactions on Autonomous …, 2017 -
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is a widely researched technique for
decentralised control in complex large-scale autonomous systems. Such systems often …

Aggregating electric cars to sustainable virtual power plants: The value of flexibility in future electricity markets

M Kahlen, W Ketter - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2015 -
Electric vehicles will play a crucial role in balancing the future electrical grid, which is
complicated by many intermittent renewable energy sources. We developed an algorithm …

[PDF][PDF] Agent-based methods for eliciting customer preferences to guide decision-making in complex energy networks

M Kahlen - Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on …, 2014 -
The key challenge associated with the transition to sustainable energy is dynamically
balancing energy supply and demand. Information systems and smart markets play a vital …