Numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems

R Bulla, TA Costi, T Pruschke - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2008 - APS
In the early 1970s, Wilson developed the concept of a fully nonperturbative renormalization
group transformation. When applied to the Kondo problem, this numerical renormalization …

Theory of the soft-x-ray edge problem in simple metals: historical survey and recent developments

K Ohtaka, Y Tanabe - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1990 - APS
In the first half of this article, theoretical treatments of the infrared divergence involved in the
edge problem of soft-x-ray absorption, emission, and photoemission spectra of simple …

Renormalization-group study of Anderson and Kondo impurities in gapless Fermi systems

C Gonzalez-Buxton, K Ingersent - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
Thermodynamic properties are presented for four magnetic impurity models describing the
scattering of fermions from a localized orbital at an energy-dependent rate Γ (ε) which …

Relevance of anisotropy in the multichannel Kondo effect: Comparison of conformal field theory and numerical renormalization-group results

I Affleck, AWW Ludwig, HB Pang, DL Cox - Physical Review B, 1992 - APS
The multichannel Kondo model exhibits non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the overscreened
case, when the number of channels, k, is greater than twice the size of the impurity spin, s …

Photoemission spectroscopy for the spin-degenerate Anderson model

HO Frota, LN Oliveira - Physical Review B, 1986 - APS
A procedure that calculates excitation properties for the Anderson model is reported and
applied to photoemission. In the mixed-valence regime, hybridized in the ground state, the …

Renormalization-group calculation of excitation properties for impurity models

M Yoshida, MA Whitaker, LN Oliveira - Physical Review B, 1990 - APS
The renormalization-group method developed by Wilson to calculate thermodynamical
properties of dilute magnetic alloys is generalized to allow the calculation of dynamical …

Multipoint correlation functions: Spectral representation and numerical evaluation

FB Kugler, SSB Lee, J von Delft - Physical Review X, 2021 - APS
The many-body problem is usually approached from one of two perspectives: the first
originates from an action and is based on Feynman diagrams, the second is centered …

Computing local multipoint correlators using the numerical renormalization group

SSB Lee, FB Kugler, J von Delft - Physical Review X, 2021 - APS
Local three-and four-point correlators yield important insight into strongly correlated systems
and have many applications. However, the nonperturbative, accurate computation of …

Density matrix numerical renormalization group for non-Abelian symmetries

AI Tóth, CP Moca, Ö Legeza, G Zaránd - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2008 - APS
We generalize the spectral sum rule preserving density matrix numerical renormalization
group (DM-NRG) method in such a way that it can make use of an arbitrary number of not …

Tensor networks and the numerical renormalization group

A Weichselbaum - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2012 - APS
The full-density-matrix numerical renormalization group has evolved as a systematic and
transparent setting for the calculation of thermodynamical quantities at arbitrary …