Climate change impacts and adaptation in forest management: a review

RJ Keenan - Annals of forest science, 2015 - Springer
Key message Adaptation of forest management to climate change requires an
understanding of the effects of climate on forests, industries and communities; prediction of …

[HTML][HTML] The role of forest genetic resources in responding to biotic and abiotic factors in the context of anthropogenic climate change

RI Alfaro, B Fady, GG Vendramin, IK Dawson… - Forest Ecology and …, 2014 - Elsevier
The current distribution of forest genetic resources on Earth is the result of a combination of
natural processes and human actions. Over time, tree populations have become adapted to …

Plantation forests, climate change and biodiversity

SM Pawson, A Brin, EG Brockerhoff, D Lamb… - Biodiversity and …, 2013 - Springer
Nearly 4% of the world's forests are plantations, established to provide a variety of
ecosystem services, principally timber and other wood products. In addition to such services …

Planted forests and invasive alien trees in Europe: a code for managing existing and future plantings to mitigate the risk of negative impacts from invasions

G Brundu, DM Richardson - 2016 -
Planted forests of alien tree species make significant contributions to the economy and
provide multiple products and ecosystem services On the other hand, non-native trees now …

[HTML][HTML] Human adaptation to climate change in the context of forests: a systematic review

AP Fischer, MAR Shah, AC Segnon, C Matavel… - Climate Risk …, 2023 - Elsevier
We assessed how people adapt to climate change in the context of forests through a
systematic review of the international empirical research literature. We found that drought …

Simulating streamflow in ungauged basins under a changing climate: The importance of landscape characteristics

C Teutschbein, T Grabs, H Laudon, RH Karlsen… - Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper we explored how landscape characteristics such as topography, geology, soils
and land cover influence the way catchments respond to changing climate conditions …

Adapting through practice: Silviculture, innovation and forest governance for the age of extreme uncertainty

A Lawrence - Forest Policy and Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Adaptation in forest management is often framed as a scientific challenge, relying on more
accurate modelling and better communication from science practice. However future …

The RIU model as an analytical framework for scientific knowledge transfer: the case of the “decision support system forest and climate change”

M Böcher, M Krott - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2014 - Springer
Since a direct, so-called “linear” scientific knowledge transfer from science to political
practice does not seem to be possible, we suggest an alternative model of the science …

Modelling natural regeneration of European beech in Saxony, Germany: identifying factors influencing the occurrence and density of regeneration

M Axer, S Martens, R Schlicht, S Wagner - European Journal of Forest …, 2021 - Springer
The potential utilisation of natural regeneration of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) for
forest conversion has received little attention to date. Ecological knowledge is necessary to …

Is the private forest sector adapting to climate change? A study of forest managers in north Wales

A Lawrence, M Marzano - Annals of forest science, 2014 - Springer
Context Two-thirds of Britain's forest area is privately owned. Thus, understanding private
forest owners and managers, and their attitudes to uncertainty and change, is essential for …