Shear zones–A review

H Fossen, GCG Cavalcante - Earth-Science Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
Strain in the lithosphere localizes into tabular zones known as shear zones that grow from
small outcrop-size individual zones to large composite structures. Nucleation is related to …

A review of recent developments concerning the structure, mechanics and fluid flow properties of fault zones

DR Faulkner, CAL Jackson, RJ Lunn… - Journal of Structural …, 2010 - Elsevier
Fault zones and fault systems have a key role in the development of the Earth's crust. They
control the mechanics and fluid flow properties of the crust, and the architecture of …

[HTML][HTML] 川藏铁路可研阶段重大工程地质风险分析

兰恒星, 张宁, 李郎平, 田乃满, 仉义星, 刘世杰, 林感… - 工程地质学报, 2021 -
川藏铁路作为史上修建难度最大的铁路, 沿线具有显著的地形高差, 强烈的板块活动,
密集的深大断裂, 频发的山地灾害等恶劣地质环境特点, 工程建设面临着复杂多变的地表和地下 …

Scaling of fault attributes: A review

A Torabi, SS Berg - Marine and petroleum geology, 2011 - Elsevier
The present paper reviews our current understanding of fault dimensions and their scaling
laws, with special focus on faults in siliciclastic rocks. The aim is to provide a comprehensive …

The relationship between displacement and length of faults: a review

YS Kim, DJ Sanderson - Earth-Science Reviews, 2005 - Elsevier
The relationship between maximum displacement (dmax) and fault length (L) has been
studied extensively, mainly in attempts to understand how fault geometry varies over …

Formation of segmented normal faults: a 3-D perspective

JJ Walsh, WR Bailey, C Childs, A Nicol… - Journal of Structural …, 2003 - Elsevier
The interpretation of fault kinematics from geometric data is an essential step in developing
an understanding of the growth of fault systems. Constraints on fault geometry are, however …

Fault growth and interactions in a multiphase rift fault network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea

OB Duffy, RE Bell, CAL Jackson, RL Gawthorpe… - Journal of Structural …, 2015 - Elsevier
Physical models predict that multiphase rifts that experience a change in extension direction
between stretching phases will typically develop non-colinear normal fault sets …

Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic

C Schiffer, AG Doré, GR Foulger, D Franke… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The North Atlantic, extending from the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone to the north
Norway-Greenland-Svalbard margins, is regarded as both a classic case of structural …

Segmentation and growth of an obliquely reactivated normal fault

M Giba, JJ Walsh, A Nicol - Journal of Structural Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Detailed kinematic analysis of a large (1800 m maximum displacement) reactivated normal
fault in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, has been conducted using high quality 3D seismic …

3D seismic analysis of the structure and evolution of a salt-influenced normal fault zone: a test of competing fault growth models

CAL Jackson, A Rotevatn - Journal of Structural Geology, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper we determine the structure and evolution of a normal fault system by applying
qualitative and quantitative fault analysis techniques to a 3D seismic reflection dataset from …