[HTML][HTML] Linguistic judgments in 3D: the aesthetic quality, linguistic acceptability, and surface probability of stigmatized and non-stigmatized variation

GJ Schoenmakers - Linguistics, 2023 - degruyter.com
Linguistic judgment experiments typically elicit judgments in terms of the acceptability or
surface probability of a sentence. There is evidence that the dimension of the scale on which …

[PDF][PDF] Definite objects in the wild: A converging evidence approach to scrambling in the Dutch middle-field

GJ Schoenmakers - 2022 - pure.mpg.de
This thesis is about the placement of definite objects relative to adverbials in the Dutch
middle-field. Direct objects can surface on either side of an adverbial, or in between two …

Introduction: Linguistic feeling: Revisiting a concept between linguistics, philosophy of language, and affective science

D Romand - Emotions, Metacognition, and the Intuition of Language …, 2023 - Springer
In this introductory chapter, I discuss the ins and outs of the issue of linguistic feeling—which
is defined here, very generally speaking, as one's capacity to intuitively apprehend …

[HTML][HTML] Pragmatic Intuition as Internalized Pragmatic Competence

Y Shi, Y Xie - Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2022 - scirp.org
Pragmatic intuition is a keen sense of language, especially the use of language. Pragmatic
competence is the ability to use language to express and comprehend in a specific context …

Intuitions in Linguistics: A Blessing or a Curse?

E Elffers - Emotions, Metacognition, and the Intuition of Language …, 2023 - Springer
Intuitions have always played an important role in linguistics. Linguistic intuitions gained
momentum due to the rise of generative grammar in the 1960s. Their use became …


ВВ ГЛЕБКИН, ВА КУЗНЕЦОВА - … русского языка им. ВВ Виноградова РАН - academia.edu
Аргументация или иллюстрация теоретических построений путем создания
«неправильных»(* X) или «сомнительных»(? Х,?? Х) конструкций давно уже стала …

[PDF][PDF] Linguistic competence as an object of experimental research

V Glebkin, V Kuznetsova, NBE Ivleva - hartmast.github.io
Linguistic competence and the related concepts of introspection and linguistic intuition are
often regarded by linguists as the dominant criterion for the verification of their theoretical …