[PDF][PDF] Three-dimensional reachable set for the Dubins car: Foundation of analytical description

VS Patsko, AA Fedotov - Commun. Optim. Theory, 2022 - cot.mathres.org
The Dubins car is a model of motion, in which the scalar control u determines the
instantaneous angular speed of rotation. The paper considers the symmetric variant of the …

Line-of-Sight-Constrained Multicopter Interceptability

K Yang, C Bai, Q Quan - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2024 - arc.aiaa.org
IN RECENT years, the application of multicopter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has
experienced rapid growth across diverse sectors, including surveillance, reconnaissance …

A New Perspective on Criticality: Efficient State Abstraction and Run-Time Monitoring of Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Control Systems

T Rheinfels, M Gaukler, P Ulbrich - 35th Euromicro Conference …, 2023 - drops.dagstuhl.de
The increasing complexity of real-time systems, comprising control tasks interacting with
physics and non-control tasks, comes with substantial challenges: meeting various non …

[PDF][PDF] Трёхмерное множество достижимости для машины Дубинса: обоснование аналитического описания

ВС ПАЦКО, АА ФЕДОТОВ - sector3.imm.uran.ru
Машина Дубинса модель движения, в которой скалярное управление u определяет
мгновенную угловую скорость поворота. В работе рассматривается симметричный …

[PDF][PDF] Aerospace Science

A Manela - sector3.imm.uran.ru
The Dubins car is a model of motion, in which the scalar control u determines the
instantaneous angular velocity of rotation. The paper considers a symmetric variant of the …