Source-separated urine opens golden opportunities for microbial electrochemical technologies

P Ledezma, P Kuntke, CJN Buisman, J Keller… - Trends in …, 2015 -
The food security of a booming global population demands a continuous and sustainable
supply of fertilisers. Their current once-through use [especially of the macronutrients …

The undebated issue of justice: silent discourses in Dutch flood risk management

M Kaufmann, SJ Priest, P Leroy - Regional environmental change, 2018 - Springer
Flood risk of all types of flooding is projected to increase based on climate change
projections and increases in damage potential. These challenges are likely to aggravate …

Capitalization of equalizing grants and the flypaper effect

MA Allers, W Vermeulen - Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
The wide-ranging empirical support for the flypaper effect in local public finance remains a
puzzle in spite of various theoretical explanations. We exploit a reform of the fiscal …

On the interaction between landownership and regional designs for land development

T van Dijk, A van der Vlist - Urban Studies, 2015 -
This paper examines how landownership patterns are, partially, both a result of and a
condition for the designs that planners make for sites. Designs emerge in the process of …

[PDF][PDF] Gemeenten in perspectief

MA Allers, B Steiner, C Hoeben, B Geertsema - 2013 -
De rijksoverheid zet de laatste jaren sterk in op decentralisatie van overheidstaken. Met
name in het sociale domein zijn en worden taken overgeheveld van rijks-naar …

[图书][B] Gemeenten in perspectief 2014-2018

M Allers, B Steiner - 2015 -
Er is echter weinig zicht op de positie van gemeenten ten opzichte van andere overheden.
Hoeveel geven gemeenten uit in vergelijking met de andere overheden? En welk beslag …

[PDF][PDF] Fiscal equalization, capitalization and the flypaper effect

M Allers, W Vermeulen - 2014 -
University of Groningen Fiscal equalization, capitalization and the flypaper effect Allers,
Maarten; Vermeulen, W. Page 1 University of Groningen Fiscal equalization, capitalization and …

The risk and return of home ownership

B Kramer - Ortec Finance Research Center Applied Paper, 2010 -
In several countries the economic crisis has again confronted homeowners with the risks of
their ownership. Price-increases are not self-evident. The uncertainty of the costs of home …

[PDF][PDF] Kostenontwikkeling in de waterketen, 1990-2010

E Gerritsen, CGM Sterks - 2004 -
INLEIDING Om goede beleidskeuzes over de inrichting van de waterketen te kunnen
maken, is inzicht nodig in de kostenontwikkeling van de waterketen. Dit rapport geeft een …

[PDF][PDF] Housing Related Fees and Real Estate Tax Rates in Cities in the Netherlands

PJM Van Steen, PH Pellenbarg… - Journal of Economic and …, 2016 -
In the previous issues of this year's series of The Netherlands in Maps Dutch cities were
pictured with divergent rates of population growth, economic performance and regional …