Linking color polymorphism maintenance and speciation

SM Gray, JS McKinnon - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2007 -
Here, we review the recently burgeoning literature on color polymorphisms, seeking to
integrate studies of the maintenance of genetic variation and the evolution of reproductive …

The evolution, maintenance and adaptive function of genetic colour polymorphism in birds

A Roulin - Biological Reviews, 2004 -
The hypothesis that ornaments can honestly signal quality only if their expression is
condition-dependent has dominated the study of the evolution and function of colour traits …

[图书][B] The biology of moult in birds

L Jenni, R Winkler - 2020 -
The first comprehensive review of all aspects of the biology of moult, drawing information
from across the literature and in all birds, from penguins to passerines. Feathers are …

Multivariate models of animal sex: breaking binaries leads to a better understanding of ecology and evolution

JF McLaughlin, KM Brock, I Gates… - Integrative and …, 2023 -
Synopsis “Sex” is often used to describe a suite of phenotypic and genotypic traits of an
organism related to reproduction. However, these traits—gamete type, chromosomal …

A window on the genetics of evolution: MC1R and plumage colouration in birds

NI Mundy - Proceedings of the Royal Society B …, 2005 -
Melanins are a ubiquitous component of plumage colouration in birds and serve a wide
variety of functions. Although the genetic control of melanism has been studied in chickens …

Climate change drives microevolution in a wild bird

P Karell, K Ahola, T Karstinen, J Valkama… - Nature …, 2011 -
To ensure long-term persistence, organisms must adapt to climate change, but an
evolutionary response to a quantified selection pressure driven by climate change has not …

Accelerated speciation in colour-polymorphic birds

AF Hugall, D Stuart-Fox - Nature, 2012 -
Colour polymorphism exemplifies extreme morphological diversity within populations,. It is
taxonomically widespread but generally rare. Theory suggests that where colour …

Geographic variation in animal colour polymorphisms and its role in speciation

CA McLean, D Stuart‐Fox - Biological Reviews, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Polymorphic species, in which multiple variants coexist within a population, are often used
as model systems in evolutionary biology. Recent research has been dominated by the …

Sexual selection and genetic colour polymorphisms in animals

M Wellenreuther, EI Svensson, B Hansson - Molecular ecology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Genetic colour polymorphisms are widespread across animals and often subjected to
complex selection regimes. Traditionally, colour morphs were used as simple visual markers …

Genetics of colouration in birds

A Roulin, AL Ducrest - Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 2013 - Elsevier
Establishing the links between phenotype and genotype is of great importance for resolving
key questions about the evolution, maintenance and adaptive function of phenotypic …