Small claims court based on an agreement to support ease of doing business In Indonesia

F Kurniawan, X Nugraha… - Pandecta Research …, 2022 -
The limit of material claim in the small claims court regulated in PERMA Number 4 of 2019
can be seen as a limitation towards the choice of forums for resolving disputes. Therefore …

The establishment of simple lawsuit rules in business disputes in Indonesia: an challenge to achieve fair legal certainty

MM Gunawan, MY Fathoni - Journal of Law, Environmental and …, 2023 -
This study aims to prescribe the importance of rethinking the regulation of the execution of
simple lawsuits in the justice system in Indonesia, considering that simple lawsuits have …

Menggagas Model Penerapan Prorogasi dalam Pemenuhan Asas Peradilan Sederhana, Cepat, dan Berbiaya Ringan

FRM Abidin, T Taupiqqurrahman - JURNAL USM LAW REVIEW, 2024 -
This research aims to initiate the revival of prorogation in civil procedural law in Indonesia
and also design a relevant model to be implemented. In fact, all judicial processes in …

Tinjauan Hukum Tentang Gugatan Sederhana Dalam Proses Penyelesaian Perkara Wanprestasi Atas Perjanjian Arisan Online Pada Putusan Nomor 1/Pdt. GS/2021 …

NA Juang - Recht Studiosum Law Review, 2023 -
Gugatan sederhana yang dilegitimasi sejak berlakunya Peraturan Mahkamah Agung
(Perma) Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Gugatan Sedehana beserta …

Journal Implications for the Decision of Sharia Economic Case Number 5K/Ag/2023

DA Nathania, SR Ridwani… - … Syariah dan Hukum …, 2024 -
Islamic economics is experiencing a rapid expansion, which may lead to inevitable conflicts.
In Indonesia, the religious court is the authorized legal institution designated to resolve …

Interpretation in Simple Evidence Against Bankruptcy Matter and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations in Indonesia

F Marpaung, T Kamello, B Ginting - Croatian International Relations …, 2022 -
At the cassation level in the Supreme Court, the application of the procedural Legal for
proving bankruptcy is generally applied through the interpretation method due to the unclear …

Simple Claim Execution Reorientation in Civil and Business Disputes for Legal Certainty

R Saputra, T Tiolince, M Zaid, AK Jaelani - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 -
This study aims to prescribe the importance of rethinking the regulation of the execution of
simple lawsuits in the justice system in Indonesia, considering that simple lawsuits have …

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Peradilan Mini dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar PKn Siswa

ZF Siregar - Jurnal Didaktika Pendidikan Dasar, 2023 -
Citizenship education is a learning content that prepares students to be able to face the
challenges of the 21st century as a nation. The aim of this research is to design a mini …

Indonesia's Settlement Procedure of Small Claims: A Proposal for the Implementation of Online Dispute Resolution

U Mubdi, M Trikusrahayu - Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and …, 2024 -
This research primarily aims to investigate the opportunities for the internalized
implementation of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) within the judicial system for the …


AN Rosyid, A Fikri - HUKMY: Jurnal Hukum, 2024 -
Implementasi gugatan sederhana di Pengadilan Negeri Lamongan merupakan inovasi
untuk mewujudkan asas peradilan cepat, sederhana dan biaya ringan. Namun, pada …