Heterogeneous photochemistry in the atmosphere

C George, M Ammann, B D'Anna… - Chemical …, 2015 - ACS Publications
1. BACKGROUND 1.1. Why Condensed Matter Matters: Types and Significance of
Condensed Matter and Surfaces Encountered in the Atmospheric Environment The …

Tropospheric halogen chemistry: Sources, cycling, and impacts

WR Simpson, SS Brown, A Saiz-Lopez… - Chemical …, 2015 - ACS Publications
In the past 40 years, atmospheric chemists have come to realize that halogens exert a
powerful influence on the chemical composition of the troposphere and through that …

[HTML][HTML] A review of air–ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): liquids, quasi-liquids, and solids in snow

T Bartels-Rausch, HW Jacobi, TF Kahan… - Atmospheric …, 2014 - acp.copernicus.org
Snow in the environment acts as a host to rich chemistry and provides a matrix for physical
exchange of contaminants within the ecosystem. The goal of this review is to summarise the …

Organics in environmental ices: sources, chemistry, and impacts

VF McNeill, AM Grannas, JPD Abbatt… - Atmospheric …, 2012 - acp.copernicus.org
The physical, chemical, and biological processes involving organics in ice in the
environment impact a number of atmospheric and biogeochemical cycles. Organic material …

Atmospheric VOC measurements at a High Arctic site: characteristics and source apportionment

JB Pernov, R Bossi, T Lebourgeois… - Atmospheric …, 2021 - acp.copernicus.org
There are few long-term datasets of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the High Arctic.
Furthermore, knowledge about their source regions remains lacking. To address this matter …

Bathochromic Shift in the UV–visible absorption spectra of phenols at ice surfaces: insights from first-principles calculations

FC Bononi, Z Chen, D Rocca, O Andreussi… - The Journal of …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Some organic pollutants in snowpacks undergo faster photodegradation than in solution.
One possible explanation for such effect is that their UV–visible absorption spectra are …

Can we model snow photochemistry? Problems with the current approaches

F Domine, J Bock, D Voisin… - The Journal of Physical …, 2013 - ACS Publications
Snow is a very active photochemical reactor that considerably affects the composition and
chemistry of the lower troposphere in polar regions. Snow photochemistry models have …

Photodecay of guaiacol is faster in ice, and even more rapid on ice, than in aqueous solution

T Hullar, FC Bononi, Z Chen, D Magadia… - … Science: Processes & …, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Snowpacks contain a wide variety of inorganic and organic compounds, including some that
absorb sunlight and undergo direct photoreactions. How the rates of these reactions in, and …

Implementation and evaluation of prognostic representations of the optical diameter of snow in the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus detailed snowpack model

CM Carmagnola, S Morin, M Lafaysse, F Domine… - The …, 2014 - tc.copernicus.org
In the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus multi-layer snowpack model, the snow microstructure has up to
now been characterised by the grain size and by semi-empirical shape variables which …

Frost flowers growing in the Arctic ocean‐atmosphere–sea ice–snow interface: 1. Chemical composition

TA Douglas, F Domine, M Barret… - Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Frost flowers, intricate featherlike crystals that grow on refreezing sea ice leads, have been
implicated in lower atmospheric chemical reactions. Few studies have presented chemical …