[图书][B] Error handling in spoken dialogue systems-managing uncertainty, grounding and miscommunication

G Skantze - 2007 - books.google.com
Due to the large variability in the speech signal, the speech recognition process constitutes
the major source of errors in most spoken dialogue systems. A spoken dialogue system can …

Adapting speaking after evidence of misrecognition: Local and global hyperarticulation

AJ Stent, MK Huffman, SE Brennan - Speech Communication, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper we examine the two-way relationship between hyperarticulation and evidence
of misrecognition of computer-directed speech. We report the results of an experiment in …

[图书][B] Putting linguistics into speech recognition: The regulus grammar compiler

M Rayner, BA Hockey, P Bouillon - 2006 - Citeseer
This book provides a detailed overview of Regulus, an open-source toolkit for building and
compiling grammars for spoken dialog systems, which has been used for a number of …

Galatea: A discourse modeller supporting concept-level error handling in spoken dialogue systems

G Skantze - Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue, 2008 - Springer
In this chapter, a discourse modeller for conversational spoken dialogue systems, called
GALATEA, is presented. Apart from handling the resolution of ellipses and anaphora, it …

Spoken dialogue systems

V Zue, S Seneff - Springer Handbook of Speech Processing, 2008 - Springer
Spoken dialogue systems are a new breed of interfaces that enable humans to
communicate with machines naturally and efficiently using a conversational paradigm. Such …

[PDF][PDF] Adding intelligent help to mixed-initiative spoken dialogue systems.

G Gorrell, I Lewin, M Rayner - INTERSPEECH, 2002 - cs.cmu.edu
The rapidly expanding voice recognition industry has so far shown a preference for grammar-
based language modelling, despite the better overall performance of statistical language …

[PDF][PDF] A generic multi-lingual open source platform for limited-domain medical speech translation

P Bouillon, M Rayner, N Chatzichrisafis… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - aclanthology.org
We present an overview of MedSLT, an Open Source platform for developing limited-domain
medical speech translation systems. We focus in particular on the speech understanding …

[PDF][PDF] Compréhension automatique de la parole arabe spontanée—Une modélisation numérique [Automatic Understanding of Spontaneous Arabic Speech—A …

A Zouaghi, M Zrigui, G Antoniadis - Traitement Automatique des …, 2008 - aclanthology.org
Notre travail s' intègre dans le cadre du projet intitulé «Oreillodule»: un système de
reconnaissance, de traduction et de synthèse de la parole arabe. L'objectif de cet article est …

[PDF][PDF] A voice enabled procedure browser for the International Space Station

M Rayner, BA Hockey, N Chatzichrisafis… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - aclanthology.org
Clarissa, an experimental voice enabled procedure browser that has recently been
deployed on the International Space Station (ISS), is to the best of our knowledge the first …

[PDF][PDF] Compilation of unification grammars with compositional semantics to speech recognition packages

J Bos - COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
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