Why is production of animal source foods important for economic development in Africa and Asia?

I Baltenweck, D Enahoro, A Frija, S Tarawali - Animal Frontiers, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Why Is Production of Animal Source Foods Important for Economic Development in Africa and
Asia? | Animal Frontiers | Oxford Academic Skip to Main Content Advertisement Oxford …

The role of livestock in the Tanzanian economy: Policy analysis using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model for Tanzania

E Engida, P Guthiga, J Karugia - 2015 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
In agricultural economies of Africa, livestock sub-sector supports livelihoods of large
proportion of households and has important role on value addition and on insuring national …

Assessing natural resource management through integrated environmental and social-economic accounting: the case of a Namibian conservancy

H Morton, E Winter, U Grote - The Journal of Environment & …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Local natural resource management in its diverse manifestations holds core to its principles
that the marginal and vulnerable households are empowered to manage valuable natural …

The distributive effect and food security implications of biofuels investment in Ethiopia: A CGE analysis

Z Gebreegziabher, A Mekonnen, T Ferede… - … adaptation to climate …, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter asks whether there will be positive or negative impacts on smallholder farmers
and rural households as more agricultural land is used for biofuels production. The study …

[PDF][PDF] The role of livestock in the Kenyan economy: Policy analysis using a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model for Kenya

E Engida, PM Guthiga, H Nyota, JT Karugia - 2015 - cgspace.cgiar.org
In most African countries, the livestock sector supports livelihoods of large proportion of rural
households and may have an important role to play in rural poverty reduction strategies. In …

Crop Production, Livestock Production and Economic Growth in Botswana (1990-2017): An Application of ARDL Model

MA Matandare, PM Makepe, L Setlhare… - Turkish Journal of …, 2021 - agrifoodscience.com
There are few studies in Botswana which have examined the relationship between
agriculture and economic growth. The uniqueness of this study is grounded in investigating …

[PDF][PDF] Innovation and technical efficiency in the smallholder dairy production system in Ethiopia

A Asres, J Sölkner, M Wurzinger - Journal of Agricultural Science and …, 2013 - academia.edu
This study provides estimates of smallholder household's production efficiency and its
determinants, and separately analyses the technical efficiency of dairy technology adopting …

Are integrated livestock disease-management practices complements or substitutes? The case of AAT control in rural Ethiopia

AE Weyori - African Journal of Agricultural and Resource …, 2021 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
Livestock, particularly cattle, are an integral part of livelihoods in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
However, diseases such as African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) have limited the potential …

The role and sustainability of community-based county government funded agricultural infrastructure projects: a case of community cattle dips and Acaricides use in …

C Ngeny, MN Asamba, JH Nderitu… - Journal of Agriculture …, 2021 - go7publish.com
The study objective was to provide baseline and reference data on status and use of
acaricides based on type or active ingredients by individual farmers and in public cattle dip …

Social Accounting Matrix: A user manual for village economies

S Gronau, E Winter - 2018 - econstor.eu
The application of Social Accounting Matrices (SAM) is well established at the national level
and provides a comprehensive economic framework. The procedure for developing national …